Stainless Steel Couche HELP

Profile picture for user Neil C


I am a Newbie when baking artisan baguettes. Next month, my wife and I are going to a weekend course (Intro to Baguettes for Home Bakers) at Suas' SFBI and are really excited.  

We need help in deciding whether or not to get a professionally assembled couch for $$$ or to build one ourselves.  We presently have a Fermament baking stone that's about 12' x 16 1/2".  My concern is that the typical large 'Insert Pans' extend about 1" plus on each end.

Question: Will the steam stay in the inverted Insert Pan sufficiently well to get the job done?  Or will the steam leak out?

Any and all suggestions will be greatly appreciate.


        Neil C in Denver, CO



The pan needs to not be larger than the stone. Lots of options for pans. Round, oval roasting pans, ceramic couche top for $50, aluminum roasting pan, Glass 4 liter bowl (Pyrex). They probably don't do much if anything with covered baking at sfbi since they use commercial deck ovens. Shiao-Ping might comment here. Good luck, sounds like fun.


Thanks for your ideas and interest.  I think that I'll take a trip to my  restaurant equipment supplier and see what's available.

Again, thanks
