Vinegar Rolls


When I was a child, my mother would make vinegar rolls for special (breakfast) occasions.  Over the years, I and at least one of my sisters have carried on the tradition.  But, whenever I have mentioned "vinegar rolls" to anyone outside our family, the concept is greeted with "yuck" (or some similar disgusted sounding response).  Is my family the only people who have tasted this lovely version of cinnamon rolls?  Here is a "recipe", in case anyone would like to try this fairly delicious concoction (I have never written a recipe before, and seldom follow one, so this is my best effort):


1 Can of biscuits (or, better yet, one batch of homemade biscuits, yeast rolls or similar bread dough)

1/4 LB. Butter at room temperature (homemade is best)

Mixture of cinnamon and sugar

A few tablespoons of flour

1 tsp. white or apple cider vinegar for each roll

Boiling hot wter

Roll out the dough into a rectangle, about 1/4 inch thick.  Generously smear the butter all over the dough rectangle, and (again, generously) sprinlke the cinnamon/sugar mixture over the butter.  Starting at one end of the rectangle, roll the dough up, into a log.  Slice the log into pinwheel sections about 11/2 to 2 inches wide, and set the pinwheels in a cake pan that has been sprayed with oil - leave a bit of room between them, to allow them to rise and spread a bit.  atop each roll, place a dab of butter, and follow with the teaspoon of vinegar.  Mix the flour together with some cinnamon/sugar mixture, and sprinkle over and between the rolls. Follow with the hot water (over and between the rolls), stirring as well as you can, considering there's not much room between the rolls - this is going to.  The water and flour-cinnamon-sugar mixture are going to form a thick syrup in the bottom of the pan.  Bake the rolls in a 350 degree oven until browned.  Loosen the rolls from the sides, and turn the pan of rolls upside down onto a plate, so the "syrup" coats the rolls.  Serve hot.

The vinegar will have evaporated, leaving only a hint of tartness to the syrup.


I bet this is a really old family recipe because vinegar used to be much more used than it is these days for this kind of recipe.It shouldn't be much different than using cider or lemon or pineapple juice.

I'll have to try it sometime when I have some dough end when I make my homemade pizza.I Usually have enough for a few rolls and have rolled up various things with it-cinnamon,savory,herbs and cheese.

I've not heard of such a combination but it sounds like something that would work together. Also makes me wonder how a savory combination would work. Maybe garlic with lemon in the sugar. I like the use of vinegar at the end with a number of things. I brush it on BBQ ribs at the end with the last dusting of spice. You never smell the vinegar, strange. I'll have to try this.


If you've ever been to Memphis, TN, then you've probably heard about the Rendezvous BBQ Resturant. They package their dry rub seasoning for sale for home use. They suggest a vinegar with a little bit of water solution to be "Mopped" on the object of your cooking endeavours before you liberally sprinkle the seasoning. It works really well.

Sounds delicious but I have two questions.  Would the vinegar be 5% or less?  And what about a ball park figure on the boiling water?  1/4 cup, 1/2 cup, swimming?



I honestly don't know the percentage of vinegar - I simply pour about a teaspoon of vinegar on top of each roll.  As far as the water - I'd guess closer to 1/2 cup to not quite swimming.  The goal is to put enough to reduce, in proportion with the flour (in the flour/cinnamon sugar mixture, and leaching from the dough) to form a gravy-like consistency.  I've never experienced TOO MUCH water; too little, and you get more of a paste consistency, which still tastes good, and you can adjust next time.

(Sorry:  To me, a recipe is only a suggestion; so I'm out of my depth trying to write one...)