A handful of times a year I abuse my privileges as site administrator and make a post about my favorite charity-- which also happens to be my employer. I hope community members do not mind too much. -F
A project I've been working on for months and dreaming of for even longer is launching on MercyCorps.org today (well, soft launching... a wider public launch will happen next week). Today we are introducing a feature we're calling "personalized fundraising pages" that will let anyone with a website or blog or event set up their own customized page on Mercycorps.org.
Here is my fundraising page.
Our hope is that this tool will empower donors and communities like The Fresh Loaf to quickly and easily raise money for causes they believe in.
If you have ten minutes please check it out and consider making a small gift to Mercy Corps. I've set a goal of $1000 on my page, thinking that if one hundred members of The Fresh Loaf community each gave ten dollars it would be a powerful demonstration of the strength of our community.
If you are unfamiliar with Mercy Corps, please take a look around the Mercy Corps website to learn more about us. As I've mentioned previously, I was a Mercy Corps supporter and fan for many years before I found a job there. Working there has only deepened my belief that they are committed to improving the lives of people in some of the world's toughest places-- including many that don't typically make the news headlines like CAR, Tajikistan, and Niger-- and to being efficient stewards of their donors' money. Your show of support would mean a great deal to me.
Update 10/23/2009: In less than 48 hours we've raised over 600 dollars. Most impressive to me is that this isn't because of one or two large individual donations bumping up the total. Rather it has been sheer number of community members who have stepped forward and made a contribution.
As I mentioned in my comments below, as soon as I posted this I thought perhaps I was being presumptuous setting a $1,000 goal. But seeing that we've gotten nearly 2/3rds of the way there in less than 48 hours, I think we can do it... if not today, then by the end of this weekend. So if you haven't made a donati0n through this page and can afford to, please do! Even a 10 dollar donation is enough to provide a pile of a blankets to a family whose home was destroyed in the recent earthquake near Padang, Indonesia, or $15 provides an emergency supplies kit to a displaced family in Pakistan. Little gifts make a difference too.
Update 10/24/2009: Only $65 to go! Who will step forward and push us over the top?!?
Update 10/24/2009 8 PM Pacific Time: We made it! Thank you, everyone.
I have learned so very much about how to make great bread on this site, and I truly appreciate the efforts that Floyd has made to nurture this community.
I can think of no better way to show my appreciation than to contribute to this very worthy cause that is close to Floyd's heart.
Thank you, Ed!
My thoughts exactly....
This is a great cause. I was happy to make a donation!
Thank you!
And no joke about "testing my software"... Watching people actually use this today, I noticed at least one significant bug that I didn't catch in development that I fixed today. So thanks again to everyone who is trying it!
I noticed that the Click here to donate tab didn't work so I just clicked on the box to the right of it and it brought up your donation page.
Hmm... I'll take a look. Thanks!
thanks for working hard for a helping organization.
A community member asked me to make this post sticky for a few days so I am doing so.
Currently my donation page is showing that we've raised 300 dollars and I know a couple of other donations snuck by without being tracked correctly (a bug I've tracked down and fixed), so we've raised something like $350 in less than 24 hours, which is extremely exciting. Yesterday I thought perhaps I was being presumptuous to set a fundraising goal of $1,000, but now I'm thinking we might actually make it (and even if not, $350 is nothing to sneeze at!).
Also, you guys have uncovered and reported some good bugs and ideas for improvement, which has been extremely helpful. So thank you for your help.
Very glad to hear it's going so well!
I agree with what others have said, you are running one of the best bread resources and I don't see why I can't return the favor in my own humble way. I shall donate $10.00 tomorrow, I went to look at your site and I'm glad you're accepting credit cards because my paypal account is near empty. :)
Keep up the good work. When you said "test my software" did you mean the blue donation icon that says how much has been collected so far?
BTW, I need to post a blog soon. I've baked some breads and have learned quite a bit. Just been swamped with work. But I'll "show off" one of my creations one of these days!
Actually, the whole site over there is his software. :)
So when folks have been writing comments he found stuff like display issues and the way it didnt originally credit the little thermometer if you donated through one of the links instead of the other. If you find any issues or "bug reports" or suggestions for improving the donation page while donating, comment those here, not over there, since there's no way to reply to you over there (as that's what the pages that people will be able to create for their websites are going to be like.)
Happy to help in a small way. I owe you big time.
Thank you, Eric, and everyone else who has donated today. Your support is greatly appreciated.
I hope the sticky stays for more than just a few days as I think that in the general hustle and bustle of daily life, we tend to forget how blessed we are to be able to grab some flour from our cupboard, a bit of salt, our SD culture, some water from the tap, and create the staff of life: bread.
I hope every member of TFL will contribute what they can, with the knowledge that people who don't have to struggle for their basic survival are more likely to be happy, productive, and self-sufficient.
How about an annual fundraiser for Mercy Corps?
Great work, Floyd, both for Mercy Corps and here at TFL. Thank you for caring.
I haven't looked at the Mercy Corp site in a while. I am taken back at the dynamic and beautiful photos. You have put together a very compelling and descriptive image of the need you serve. Great job and the site pulls fast for me.
Thanks, Eric. We work with a couple of very talented photographers and writers who travel all over the world visiting our programs. And our web designer is extremely talented at putting it all together. I'm the geek who works under the hood to make sure it all works correctly.
Just realized the timing on this: all the comics this week have been about volunteering, it's pledge week on our local public radio station, and my son's 2nd-grade homework assignment last night was to make a poster about ways that he can help make his community a better one. :)
for all you do here and for your commitment to making this world a better place. I've made my contribution to help you meet your goal.
Thank you, Betty!
You are welcome to take it as far over as you'd like. The little thermometer does something kind of cute when you go over your goal but... well... We'll just have to wait and find out. ;^)
It is nice to see all the support from our members who appreciate the value of the work you have done here Floyd. The Fresh Loaf is easily the best web resource available for learning how to make Artisan style breads and for that matter any kind of healthy bread. I'm sure we will push the contributions over the top. I can't wait to see the celebration gizmo!
It's over the top! Fireworks? Music? Marching bands? Dancing bears?
Fab response, for sure.
Yay!!! Whoo hoo!!!
In the widget at the top of the page, it is supposed to be splashes like when the rain gauge is full and you add another drop. But, you are right, it does kinda look like fireworks.
Thank you so much, everyone. You've made me proud.
I'll leave this sticky through tomorrow evening so everyone who contributed can see we made it.
TFLers ROCK!! Awesome group!
C'mon you guys, it's not too late to be a part of the greatest bread group on line!
Just saw the number. Keep up the good work! Al
I think ladychef41 has it about right. I made a contribution but I would like to add to it next Month and watch the total build. The visual reference is fun to watch as it climbs.
The corporate sponsor would be interesting too. It would be nice if they would start with an amount that recognizes the amount of activity we get here and the focus and buying power we represent. Support from a vendor or author who sells things we use would go a long ways toward establish themselves as friendly to the forum. my2cents.
I am making this thread unsticky and moving the discussion to here.
share our appreciation for all the TFL help and support.