I've been reading here for several months, but never managed to introduce myself. I'm a professional chef and filmmaker, but my breadbaking is mostly from love and obsession. I have a wood-fired oven and teach classes on how to use them (fornorustico.com). I'm so impressed by the incredible breads that people make and I've learned a ton from everyone's comments and instruction. There are only 3 websites I go to on a daily basis: nytimes, ravelry (I'm a knitting fool), and TFL. Thank you so much for this amazing resource and amazing community!
Thanks for joining, Lea. Welcome to the site!
Hey Lea, looks like we're neighbors. Welcome to the Fresh Loaf!
(I'm Janknitz on Ravelry, too)
What a great combination of work and passion. Wish I could have an oven like that! Welcome to TFL as well.
Welcome to TFL, Lea!
Sylvia in San Diego
Thanks for the warm greetings! I'll put up some photos once I scale them down to size.
Janknitz, I'm lola51 on Ravelry. Maybe we can meet up some time at a knit night at Village Knitters or CastAway.
I used to be a knitaholic, never without a new project, boxes of yarn waiting for assignment and then I lost my husband to cancer 9 years ago and lost interest in everything.
I now have a wonderful husband, children and bread baking addiction and am intrigued again by the thought of picking up those knitting needles. You've caught my attention and I've signed up on Ravelry.
Betty, I hope you enjoy Ravelry. It sounds like you have a lot of inner resources to re-invent your life as you have. And now you have lots of folks for whom you can bake and knit!
Thanks for your note.
There's a forum called "Bread and Yarn". Not nearly as informative as TFL, but fun to read all the same.
We could start some bread related knitting patterns. I've made felted oven mits and hot pads. Cat Bordhi's mobious (sp?) pots would make great bread warmers.
Lea, we will have to meet up! Let's PM on Ravelry.
Hi, Lea, I understand the bread and knitting obsessions as well! I'm a passionate sock-knitter. I haven't been on Ravelry in a while...maybe I'll drop by over there.
Have to keep those hands moving at all times, I guess. And then there's Scrabble...
If business doesn't pick up soon, I'll be all hobby, no income!
Hello there, just joined this wonderful forum myslef
I love Scrabble, too. Not saying I'm any good at it, but I do enjoy it.