Japanese-style chocolate multi-layer marble bread


I recently discovered this beautiful bread and have mastered the technique! The dough is soft and remains so for a few days. This is the closest to the Asian-style bread I have re-created at home!

Recipe and step-step instructions: here.




Definately an inspiration! 

I can smell this beauty being served with rich creamy cinnamon butter or chestnut butter or apple butter or caramel butter or or or.   The marbling draws me in reminding me very much of hand worked wood but edible!  I keep going back to marvel at the crust!  A marvelous eye catching show piece for sure!


alio, huray! it's a really good bread! :)


Yipee, thanks!


Mini, the idea of caramel butter is great!

and I'm sure very tasty too! I have this bookmarked for a future bake. Thank you for sharing!
