New Jersey Introduction


Hi everyone, been lurking and reading for a couple weeks now, so I thought I'd jump in and say thank you for all the great content here.

I'm a French expat living in New Jersey and making my own bread. Initially it was homesickness but now it's for the fun. I'll put my best foot forward and share this picture of a couronne I made recently:

Couronne Loaf

Between the proof and the oven spring it closed up the hole in the center, and I realized at the last minute I had no idea how to slash this kind of loaf, but it tasted fine.

See you all soon in the forum!

Profile picture for user dmsnyder

Hi, Syvwich.

Welcome to TFL!

Very pretty couronne you made. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your breads.


And I have seen some of your work, David, and take that as high praise indeed... thanks for the welcome :-)