New dough kneading technique (video)


Sorry ...I just had to share this:

Dough kneading video

Simply amazing.... Probably not effective as a home technique though :)




The comment below is correct ...I googled it a bit after posting the vid.  In Chinese regions however, they do make a bright green sweet-tasting bread.  I used to get it from bakeries in Singapore, but I'm not sure how regional it is.  I think someone told me that they use the juice from some kind of long grass-like plant in it.  Either way, it had a warm, sweet, satisfying flavor to it that I really liked.  It was about the same color as the mochi stuff... Kinda like my tennis shoes after mowing the lawn!



They're making mochi, Japanese rice paste.

I loved the video. The guy with the hands on between mallet blows, likes living on the edge. I remember seeing somewhere, bisquits being struck with a hammer. the dough that is, It was supposed to result in a light bisquit. I believe it was an old southern method. I think you had to keep at it till  air bubbles blistered the dough. The kneading surface was a well worn tree stump. Ray