

Good morning all!

I want to invest in brotforms/bannetons. Know anywhere I can buy them inexpensively or even used. And does anyone have any suggestions as to which type works best, plastic or willow? I made a country style hearth from Daniel Leader's Bread alone. It came out very well. I just need more bannetons to bake more bread.



I followed a link from one of the posts here a week or so ago to... I can't remember whose post it was but I really thank them.

They have terrific prices on the coiled cane brotforms, and they offer linen liners sold separately. I already had 2 9" round ones from KA but I've been wanting an oval one. I got liners for my rounds and an oval with liner. The shipping and handling was good and their customer service was great (I made a mistake on my order and they corrected it very promptly). They also have a large variety of shapes and sizes.

I also have ordered an couple small plastic forms from (sorry I don't have the link). The proofed dough releases very easily and clean-up is a breeze.

Personally I prefer the cane ones but that may just be me. I love the beauty of them as a craft object as well as their utility.

Good shopping to 'ya, and bake on.





Thanks for the link! Can't wait to check them out. I'll be passing on the information as well to anyone who is interested.

Happy baking!


I posted the and just ordered more from them. They are great forms with great service and prices!


In reply to by Janknitz

Hi.  In Australia where Bannetons are difficult to come buy I have resorted to using cheap plastic colanders (AUD1.50 each) lined with Linen that I purchased from a fabric store.  Works a treat!!  I can also use the colanders as pecorino cheese forms.