I know a few people who post here are doing the BBA Challenge, so I am sharing my results.
I made Kaiser Rolls yesterday, they turned out very good. One of the interesting things about this challenge, is that it seems to me the results are better if I skip the kneading and fold the dough instead. It is a little early to draw a conclusion, because this was only the second bread in which I changed the method. But we shall see
I have photos and a full description of the rolls here
For the moderators of the forum (or regular posters), please let me know if posting a link to my own blog goes against some guidelines, or rules.
I include only one photo in this message....
That looks really great. I like the black sesame seeds. I managed to find some nigella seeds (kalonji) here yesterday and I'm longing to try them on a ciabatta type bread.
Well, I've been searching for nigella seeds for a while, but might have to resort to the internet to get them. I like to give business to local food stores, but sometimes it's not possible. I bet they would go very well over bread too
I use black sesame seeds quite often - over cucumber/yogurt salad, or other similar dishes, they look great and add just a little crunch :-)
I believe they carry nigella seeds both in their stores and in their catalog. Here is a link.
And the sandwich seals the deal. The black seeds are a nice compliment to the roll. Your doing a great job with your challange. Thanks for sharing it with us!
That's a beauty!
Lovely K.roll! More photos here would be enjoyed too! Im so glad I checked out your blog! Beautiful shots and the sandwich is mouthwatering. I keep forgetting to pick up the black sesame seeds at our local Henry's market...thanks for the reminder!
Share the recipe?
This kaiser roll recipe is very similar to the BBA recipe.
Thanks Floyd.
Seemed like there was a starter involved.
Any way to incorporate a poolish into your formula? I guess maybe take 4 oz of flour and water and a pinch of yeast, all mixed the night before? Then subtract those amounts from the recipe when making?
re: nigella seeds. I don't have a Penzey's store, but buy from Penzey's online when I need to replenish my reserves of spices. I think I'll just add nigella on my next order. I have been also looking for pimente d'espelette, but I don't think Penzey's has it... :-(
re: the Kaiser rolls recipe. I used the exact one in Bread Baker's Apprentice. The reason I did not post the recipe: when we started this challenge (that is, baking each recipe from the book in the order they appear), everyone agreed not to post the full recipe in their blogs, so that Peter Reinhart would not end up with his full book "published" in the net :-)
So if you have the book, I did exactly his recipe, which calls for pate fermentee, not a sourdough starter - the only difference is that I did not knead the dough, only folded it a few times. I like the results so much better when I fold it.
I can post more photos here, I just never know if I am crowding the board too much with excessive photos...
Thanks for making me look that up. Seems like the Festival of Peppers in Ezpeleta is next month, in October. So you could just hop on a plane and get some. See Bilbao while you are about it; some of the best food I've eaten.
I respectly offer my rolls posted a while ago, not knoted and not stamped. shapped the old way.
But Norm's are the genuine article, not a knockoff.
And don't miss the video!
Thank you!
I am not partial to Reinhart's recipe, the reason why I am trying to follow it as closely as possible is to stick with the "challenge". I am happy with his Kaiser rolls basic recipe, but have no problem whatsoever trying a different one, and a different method of folding, especially if it's a more traditional way to do it...