Does chilling the berries keep the flour cooler?


My mill really heats up the flour.CAn I chiil or even freeze the wheat berries prior to grinding to produce a cooler flour?I grind 8-16 cups at a time so it wouldn't be difficult to put in a ziploc in the freezer.


Anson Mills recommends milling frozen grain.  What mill do you have?



I'm using a Schnitzer Country Manual Grain Mill. This is a hand crank mill that I converted to pedal power. I don't know the temperature of my flour after it is milled but it is cool to the touch. I would think about 60°F to 70°F.

I set the fineness at midway between the bread and pastry setting (12 o'clock position).

I believe it was about 115-120 after milling but it was a summer day here-room temp about 80 so that is about the temp of the berries.I have baked with the flour and there soesn't seem to be any damage-baked up some tastey loaves!

I just popped today's berries tobe milled in a ziploc and put it in the freezer so I will check the temp of the flour when I am done.


What a difference! I milled a batch (8 c) of frozen berries.Temp of flour 95F.Then I did another batch of room temp berries (75F) and the flour was 120F! THat is a big difference and the frozen berries were only in the freezer about 1 hour between blue gel freezer packs.I wish I could keep all the berries in the freezer but I just don't have that kind of space.