This was more tomato and zuchinni brought in this morning,
so I skinned and seeded the tomatoes just lightly chopped them, and just brought them to the boil, strained and reserved most of the juice from them
Then small diced the zuchinni and poached in the reserved juice, seasoned with grey coarse sea salt. mixed tomato and zuchinni well together, cooled and freeze.
This I will put into minestroni soup or whatever, I figured it would also go into chilli, stew, with rice and cheese serve with grilled haddock.. any thing.... Neighboughs don't want any more. ;-)))
saves wasting them. more of each coming :-(((( qahtan
Cut and slice summer squash into small pieces like for apple pie, soak in lemon juice a couple of hours, drain and use like tart apples. A deep dish pie, cinn rolls, coffee cake, etc.
Popping into my head is buttermilk squash salad: sliver or flake squash, coat with chilled buttermilk, salt, pepper, shot of vinegar or lemon and sprinkle with garden herbs and eat. Great in between snack after pulling weeds or with a grilled lunch.
If the tomatoes get to be too much, start canning them. Reduce them: remove excess water by slow cooking into a thicker sauce to take up less room.
I wonder what became of my tomato plant?
Mini O
Two of mine are dying out, but the rest seem to be going strong. The main problem I'm having is that, due to the cool weather we've been having here in Iowa, they aren't turning. I get the occasional cherry tomato, but other than that I've gotten nothing. I have 3 turning orange on the vines right now, though, so there's hope for me yet.
lying about? Try making little walls around and between the plants to hold in heat during the night. The darker the bricks, the better. If the plants are potted, move them to paved protected areas with full sun. If no-one sees your plant, drop tires around the plants to soak up the sun's heat. (Easier to do when they are smaller.) Just a few tips I picked up along the wood way.
So totally not a problem that we have in Florida. Right now my tomatoes are splitting from the daily afternoon thunderstorms. Can't win!
Do try the mock apple pie, it's really good!!
So far this weekend I made a big bowl of salsa, 2 loaves of zucchini spice bread, a big pot of ratatouille, sourdough bread and muffulatta breads. I'm a cooking fool!
Ratatouille is a great one to use up lots of veggies from your garden.
Oh, sure, we have the zukes and yellow squash too, and if the blight doeosn't get them the tomatoes will be along any day now. But for us it's pole beans. We planted a double row, and they appear to be very prolific plants. We've frozen about 25 bags worth, and did 10 bags of shredded zucchini this morning.
Yet to come are the sweet potatoes. We ordered 25 plants (which was the minimum order). When they came they looked awful, so instead of culling, my husband planted them all, in the hopes that 2 or 3 would grow. They all did! Come mid-September, I am going to be buried in sweet potatoes. Anyone got a recipe for green bean bread or yeasted sweet potato bread?
Drop your banana skins underneath the plants - worked for me, maybe just coincidence, but about 3/4 days after I did this, mine started to turn