How to get more blueberries in the loaf

   My brother gave me a bag of blueberries. Hmmm. What to do? I know, make blueberry bread. So I took my favorite raisin cinnamon bread recipe fron Cook's Country magazine and added blueberries instead of the raisins. Well, as dough, it was packed full of berries. As the loaf rose, the berries got furthur and furthur apart. It sure taste good, but I want more. More of a berry punch. Any ideas.

  And yes, I know I could of had blueberry jam instead of the plum, but just got the blueberries. Now if you'll excuse me, I must go make some nice fluffy eggs sprinkled with cheese. My children are getting weary of waiting on their mother taking pictures of their breakfast!


I can relate to the photo snapping when the family is ready to dig Maybe, you can try crushing some blueberries and blending it into the dough for more berry flavor. I tried this in a muffin recipe and it added a nice color as well. By the way, the bread looks delicious!

Audra, Beautiful Blueberry Swirl Loaf!  The photos are so lovely...definately worth the wait for breakfast!  I think you have just enough berries in the loaf..more of a punch!  Well, maybe a Blueberry Glaze on top with a little lemon zest!  But, I think it looks delicious just left alone.


I think it already looked beautiful.  Not sure if I would do anything differently.  If you have excess, make some blueberry muffins or scones, they are delicious!

Hi Audra,

That bread looks really beautiful, but if you feel it needs more intense blueberry flavor, how about cooking some of your berries into a thick filling that you can spread on the dough. Then sprinkle on more of your fresh berries  before rolling up.


P.S.  I saw all four bambis in the yard again today. I was wrong---they are two sets of twins, one set now looks a little older than the other. They were all munching on the drops from a wildgoose plum tree between romps around the yard.

  It was very good. I like the idea about the cooked berries inside and swirled through. Glaze is yummy too. We did make muffins this last weekend. They turned out better than expected.

  Debra, keep us updated about the bambi's! We love our wildlife here too.


Hi Audra,

Your loaf looks wonderful. Can I ask how you determined what amount to put in? I assume they were fresh blueberries? We are so in love with blueberries, that besides the ones we grow I buy a flat or 2 to freeze. Consequently, I'm always left with more berries than we can use up during the winter!

I've never tried drying blueberries, but have purchased them to put in baked goods. Perhaps you could mixed some dried in too? perhaps with the swirled blueberry glaze..well, probably overkill!

In any case, your bread looks very inviting.


I couldn't get in any more. The recipe called for about a cup of fruit. WELL, you know I just didn't think something like that would really matter so I just kept adding and kneading till it was so lumpy and bumpy that they started coming throught the dough and falling back out. Scientific huh? I thought I would really be full of wonderful berry goodness, but as she grew they spread out so. I just don't see kneading many more in. Next time though, I'll add a bit more sugar to the dough, and maybe a little more cinnamon sugar to the swirl part. I went by the Cook's Ill. instruction to spray with water to make the swirl glue together better and it does work like a charm. Stays together through slicing, only seperated when I buttered it within an inch of its life and toasted it. Then it seperated, but like a good cinnamon roll, peeling it around and eating the curl is half the fun!


I just made blueberry cinnamon buns, try tossing the blueberries in a mix of cinnamon, sugar and  a bit of flour. There's something about the coating that helps them hold their own, so that they stay interspersed



Your photo is perfect! What a beautiful image of a perfect loaf.

When I was reading what you are trying to do, getting more punch, I thought of making a crushed blueberry and sugar paste with maybe a touch of lemon juice mixed in. Roll the dough out and spread the paste on the surface and roll it it up and cut it like sticky rolls. Proof, bake and ship me a sample.


   you could even cook it a bit like you would say, a pie filling? Esp. if the berries are really juicy. You may have a new invention to your credit. Eric's World Famous Blueberry Sticky Buns! I can see the package labels now, you selling the rights to bakeries all over, private jets, the world will beat a path to your door! We would, esp. if your cooking! Ha Ha!  Thanks for the great idea. I'm going to try that this weekend. Might use Zolablues cinnamon roll recipe since they turn out soooo well. I will post the results for your drooling pleasure. Ha!

   Oh, and a big Happy Birthday to your Misses! 

Yes, it is starting to sound like a pie. That would be pretty darn good too. I'll wait to see how yours works before I run out to shop for jets. Lol

Thanks on the B-Day wishes. I started a big batch of biga last night for some Italian hogies today and I made a big batch of Italian sausage meatballs in Sugo Sauce last night. Mmmm
