Black & Tan Sesame Seed Sourdough

Profile picture for user Susan

Sorry, no beer in this one, just black and tan sesame seeds!

The very warm weather has impacted my breadmaking, too.  Starter and dough were taking off way too fast, but using cold water slows things down enough.  I used 50F water yesterday evening to mix this loaf.  I should have used sesame oil rather than olive oil.

15g Starter, 210g water, 1 tsp EVOO, 25g KA WWW, 275g All-Trumps, 6g salt, 2 T mixed sesame seeds

Mix by hand in the evening, rest a few minutes, fold in the bowl a few times.  Leave overnight at 60-70F, fold whatever it needs in the morning, shape, proof and bake.  Simple bread.


I'm thinking a touch of stout would be a nice touch. Your crumb looks great. Dave

I'm glad I don't have to play around with accomodating for different temperatures. I have enough to deal with. Let me qualify that by saying that, what you so effortlessly create consistently, I work at !

Very nice,


I've never used black sesame seeds. Do they taste any different from the tan ones?


Thanks, Dave, I'm sure my husband would approve!

Betty, I'm glad you don't have to fight temp changes, either.  They always catch me by surprise.  Always.  Didn't you see my last blog entry, the flat and pasty one?  Thanks to you, too.

Gary and I just sampled the seeds and both agreed that the black ones are a bit sharper tasting.  And they're so much more dramatic!  Thanks for asking, David.


This loaf looks so pretty with the black and tan seeds..I just think it's has a jungle look to it..I think you should call it 'Susan's Safari Sourdough Boule!  These warm days are making for my bread water bottles to have to go in the is really warming up !  I love the way the crumb looks so golden against the black seeds!  I have been procrastinating over buying these seeds..I just keep looking at them in the store!  Next trip to Henry's!


It might be a "simple bread" but it looks mighty tasty. And what a terrific looking crust and crumb you got!


Very nice loaf Susan. The contrast is visually appealing and creates curiosity. Simple you say--lol.


Been baking since 1972 and NEVER heard of All Trumps....what exactly is that....I did some searching and it appears to be high gluten flour.....does it really make a difference than using bread flour (organic/unbleached or stoneground ww?)


Thanks for the kudos.  It really is a simple loaf, now.  I just checked to see how long I've been a member of TFL--2.5 years.  I wasn't very successful at sourdough before I found the nice folk here, and a lot of us were fumbling around at the beginning with myths and misinformation; at least that's how I remember it, or maybe I'm just slow on the uptake.  With much support since then and lots of baking, I'm turning out pretty consistent loaves.  The learning curve appears to be much shorter these days, and that's a good thing.  The breads I see here at TFL are outstanding, with more beautiful loaves popping up every day.  What a great thing Floyd has done for all of us! 

Dobeda, All-Trumps #50143 is a General Mills professional baker's flour that is enriched and malted, unbleached and unbromated.  The protein content is 14.2%.  It is my favorite flour for turning out my daily bread:  chewy, stretchy sourdough.  I wouldn't suggest this flour if you want to bake soft, fluffy bread.   Thanks for asking.

Really pretty bread Susan. I am inspired by your pictures and know I will try sourdough bread making.


This sourdough looks so appetising (all of your sourdoughs are).  As Betty said, it is a beauty!


Wow. Your starter only accounts for about 3% of the dough.  It must have been really warm! What do you think the temperature was? How many hours did you proof? How recently and how much had you fed your starter?

Many of my recent breads have used 20-50% starter that has been fed 2:1:1 (starter:flour:water) 4-40 hours before.

Your loaf looks very nice, but looks like it was made under vary different conditions than I am used to.

Thanks for the help.

Danny - Sour Flour

Just saw your note, Danny.

The temperature in my kitchen was 81F when I mixed the dough. It fermented on the loggia overnight at somewhere between 60 and 70F.  I don't proof by the clock, but use the finger-poke test. My starter is refreshed at 1:3:5 (starter:water:flour). I begin with starter, add water, and then add flour, and at use my starter was at or near its peak which, again, depends on temperature.

Everyone's conditions are different, which is why sourdough is so much fun.

Thanks for your questions.

Susan from San Diego