Loading photos


Would someone please help me with loading photos to go along with posting?  I'm new to this and feeling a bit confused... thanks so much

Click the little tree icon to the left of the "HTML" initials in the bar just above where you type in the comment box.  Then, where it says "Image URL" click the little icon to the extreme right.  That brings up a box where you can choose from pictures that you have already uploaded to the Fresh Loaf.  Since you haven't uploaded any, that's the next step.  Choose  "Upload" in the upper left and then choose "browse" and you can browse your computer for the picture that you want to upload.  Once it's uploaded then you can insert it in your message.  It sounds harder than it is.


I can usually manage to get one photo uploaded.  The first trick - I found" is to make sure the photo you plan to upload is the right size.  If its too big, som efine print shows up at the bottom telling you it won't load.  If you're not expecting it, that will be the first thing to throw you off.

Now, onto my dilemma.  I work with 2 monitors.  I click on the "tree" and get the upload box, but when I try to navigate to it, I only get an empty box.  I have selected it in the "my pictures" window and I do select "insert" but it seems that only part of the time the photo will load.

You instructions are good, but I think I need a step 1 step 2 step 3 version.  I always manage to get one photo sent, but apparently never figure out how I've done it, so I can't replicate it.  I know others have sent more than one at a time, so I know it's possible...




Profile picture for user Pablo

In reply to by avatrx1

Good call about the file size!  I insert multiple photos, but always one at a time.  Once your clicked on the tree you get:

I then click on the little icon at the far right of the Image URL line and I get:

This shows the pictures that have been uploaded to the fresh loaf server already by you.  If the picture that you want to insert into your message isn't there, then you haven't uploaded it yet.  I always get them off my computer, not from anything like Flicker, so I choose "Upload" at the top and it shows:

I choose "browse" and find the photo on my computer.  Then, once the photo is found I select it and it's location appears in the window:

At this point I choose "upload" to upload the photo to the Fresh Loaf server.  Then it shows and is available to insert into my message.  I choose "send to editor" and the photo address appears in the editor and I can choose "Insert" and the photo will appear in the message where my cursor was.

Hope this helps,




Ha Ha, Pablo. I see you are using a Mac. I didn't know you could upload .png -- I've been converting to .jpg -- thanks for saving me a step.


Happy to help.  I wish I could say that it was some knowledge on my part rather than ignorance that paid off. Macs are pretty cool.  We moved solely to MacBooks with a wireless router, we sit in the living room in our comfy chairs and send each other email.  Welcome to the 21st century, eh?


Profile picture for user Pablo

There's a "loading photos" section under FAQS from the main toolbar at the top of the page.


Thank you Paul, I'll give it a try one more time...I did copy the instructions from FAQs, but must have missed a step!


This is what I suggest:

1.  Try typing a reply or starting a message.

2.  See the picture of a tree in the top part of the text box?  Click it.

3.  Then click the little file looking thing in the window box that opens.  This will open another window.

4.  Click on "Upload"

5.  This will make available a "Browse" button to give a location of the file on your computer.

6.  Find your file on your computer and select it.

7.  Click on the "Upload" that appears in the grey box below where it says "File:"

8.  Click "Send to Editor"

9.  That window should close, then click "Insert".  That window should close and the image should show up in your text box.

Hope this helps!  If not, maybe the FAQ someone mentioned will help out.

Thanks Steve... it is much more clear now--it can be so painful when struggling through new procedures- but just like making bread- a little patience goes a long way!

The step I missed was a really obvious one.  I'm using to clicking on browse and having the file name come up in the browse box.  EVery time I would select one from the Freshloaf gallery (that's what I call it) - the browse box  would not fill in the file name.  What I didn't realize is that the picture I chose was viewable in ANOTHER WINDOW. Once I clicked on the actual picture  AFTER clicking on the file in the browse box- the browse box would put the file name it, I'd hit insert and all was good.

Sometimes the most obvious things are overlooked.  working with 2 monitors may have caused the system to look differently than it would had I only been using one.