Hello, I'm quite new to bread baking. I have made a few good whole wheat loaves with nuts and whole grains added and they all were bricks (but tasted good). I realized I wasn't kneading well and therefore was not getting very good gluten formation so the texture was horrible. Anyways, while I like whole grain bread for the health aspect, I've somewhat come to the realization after some research that I won't get that incredible chewiness and holey texture of french bread with 100% whole wheat.
So in my first couple attempts using Red's Mill unbleached bread flour with just a little whole wheat to make baguettes, they turned out great in texture and taste, but it was impossible to shape them into baguettes. They turned out to be more like deformed batards. The crust was nice and the crumb was chewy but I didn't have very many holes. The first time I think I over kneaded the dough and it was WAY too elastic so it was hard to form the baguettes. The next time I tried to make a wetter dough as well as limit kneading and doing a lot longer rise but while the dough was a lot softer and easier to shape, I still couldn't get long thin baguettes.
I won't lie, I've been somewhat improvising the recipes (for a given amount of water, add flour utill the dough cleans the sides of my kitchenaid) so that may be it, but it is the shaping step that has been giving me the most trouble.
Any help is greaty appreciated.
I've been having good results by using the baguette shaping method Maggie Glazer outlines in her book, Artisan Baking across America. I won't type it out for you here (would take too long), but she goes into great detail how to shape a baguette - it's one of the most difficult shapes to achieve, apparently. The Acme baguette recipe at the beginning of the book is yummy, too.
If you don't want to buy the book, it's probably in your library. Great book!
If your dough is too elastic when shaping baguettes, let it rest 10-15 minutes and continue shaping. I would also bench it (let it rest after dividing) for a good 15-20 minutes before shaping. These rest periods help the gluten to relax. You can even shape the baguetter, let it relax, and then shape again--press it flat, fold it over again (or roll, depending on your preferred technique). I find if you do a second shaping it will often double in length if the dough is good and relaxed. Then a few gentle rolls on the bench will pull it out to full length.
One tip I learned in a class for shaping too: for softer/wetter doughs, do a loose pre-shape before benching, and match the pre-shape to the final loaf shape. For example, for a boule, I'll pre-shape into a loose ball, but for baguettes I make a longer rectangular envelope shape. That way it's already on the way to the final shape while it's resting.
Hope this makes sense!
- breadnerd
For instance, I'd never seen a crumb as open as Tom's breads, and his technique sounds really innovative. I can't wait to try it.
But if my posts have inspired people to try baking whole wheat breads, well, that makes me a happy guy. It really is both tasty and nutritious. (And stop calling me Mikey.)
Ok, so BlueDevil0206. Your questions (btw, I'm a Demon Deacon, myself.)
While it's true that you won't get the super-open crumb that's possible from white flour, that doesn't mean that you can't make light bread. Take a look at Tom's bread above, for example, or the half whole wheat ciabatta I made a few months back. Really, it's just a question of technique -- whole wheat is a different beast from white flour. Here's a few general guidelines.
All other tips of good baking apply and will also help. For instance, try to avoid completely degassing the dough when you shape. An iron hand in a velvet glove, or so the saying goes. Ensure you've got plenty of surface tension. Etc., etc.
Anyway, I hope these help!
Not to point out the obvious...but he said he's a beginner: good whole wheat flour for bread also means it's high-protein flour milled from hard wheat. Make sure you're not getting a soft wheat pastry or all-purpose whole wheat flour, which is what is often found in bulk bins at the supermarket. Don't know about Bob's...but if it doesn't say what it is or the protein content I'd be suspicious.
I use King Arthur's "Traditional Whole Wheat" which is 14.2% protein. I like their White Whole Wheat too, at 13%. Both of them would be considered "high-gluten" flours if they were fully refined; as JMonkey says, oil and bran destroy some gluten potential.
Supermarket nutritional labelling as allowed by the FDA is pretty loose - they round everything to the nearest whole number. For example, KA "all-purpose" flour, which makes great bread at 11.5% protein, shows the protein as 4 g per 30g serving, but 11.5% is actually 3.45 g, which to one decimal place is 3.5, which to a whole number is 4.
Real bakers will demand a real spec from their miller; although not all of the protein is available as gluten, a couple of percent can make a big difference. KA lists them all on its website, as does Giusto's. Bob's makes two whole wheat flours, one designated pastry, the other "WW flour" at 3g and 4g protein per serving. Haven't tried Bob's anything for baking, anyway I'm lucky - my supermarket has a great bulk section that carries Giusto's flour.
So, baguettes: definitely get Glezer's book. She recommends a "high-extraction" wheat flour, which is something like 85% or so of the whole wheat berry (not a blend of flour, it's the way it's milled, she has a fascinating section on that too), it's more yellow than white or brown. This is probably hard to find at a supermarket, Giusto's makes an "artisan" flour which is pretty good, you can order it direct from them - you can also try a KA specialty flour from their website - although what they call baguette flour is pretty white (medium protein, high-ash they say). You might like the Columbia bread recipe from Glazer, which uses a white/WW flour blend, see here http://www.thefreshloaf.com/node/1642 for a nice write-up someone did.
I shape them in four steps: first rise in the bowl, knock down and make balls. Second rise, knock down and fold L&R ends over then roll up to make a loaf. Normally I would let this rise again and then bake; for baguettes I knock the loaf down, and roll it up again in three stages, at each step hitting the roll down with the heel of my hand, similar to what you would normally do at the very end of a roll, This makes it really tight and elongates the roll. Then a final rise, they fall a lot when slashed but get great oven spring since it's a wet dough and the gluten is so structured.
Have fun! -Dave
Wow, thanks for all of the replies. I will eventually take into consideration everything that has been said.
My aunt (who got me into bread baking) says I really need to get a scale and actually measure things rather than just improvising, I'm sure she's right.
I am completely with you on the shaping problem. It's still my biggest problem, though I am getting better with practice.
For baguettes, the most helpful instruction I found was a video on the Julia Child lessons site (http://www.pbs.org/juliachild/).
Click on the video tag, and on the search page look in the chef section for Danielle Forestier. She has a two-part lesson on traditional French bread. The second includes her shaping technique, which I have used as a model and found very helpful -- even though my dough usually doesn't have the same texture as hers. After a few really clumsy starting attempts, I'm starting to get the hang of it --- and baguettes that almost look like the real thing.
"I am not a cook. But I am sorta cooky."
Thanks for posting the link. What a clever way to stretch and pull the dough - 3:00 and 9:00 o'clock simultaneously, then 12:00 and 6:00. I've also read about, but never quite figured out, how to use a linen towel and then slide the loaves into my oven.
As far as shaping goes, I wish I had it on DVD or VHS so I could follow along. I bought a Ciril Hitz DVD and watched how he shaped a baguette. I had no success duplicating his skills.
Thanks for the link.
I just finished shaping loaves for Dan Leader's Levain Baguette recipe in Bread Alone.
Got to the shaping -- no pictures, no illustrations.
The video was enormously helpful ... got me to these:
- Richard