This was my first shot at making Essential's Columbia bread..................batards slightly deflated when they were scored...probably overproofed a little. Anyway, this is a very good bread. Thanks Mountaindog for your wet starter recipe.
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Thanks, I think this will probably be my mainstay bread from now on. However, I have not tried Thom Leonards Country French yet. I do really like the way the barley syrup gives the loaves that very dark color and the crisp crust is yummy.......
Those Columbias look great. This is my current favorite bread. I love what the malt brings to the flavor. Being a bit of a home brewer I use malt syrup that can be used to make beer. The recipie calls for non diastic malt and i'm not sure if beer malt is or isn't diastic. It does seem to work though. Home brew shops have malt syrups and powders in a variety of shades. Light to almost black as well as hopped and un hopped fyi. The possibilitys are endless. Thinking about adding malt to my other breads.
Da Crumb Bum