I am once again working on my bread baking skills. But this time the big difference is Altitude-5500ft above sea level. Now that I've found this fantastic web site I would appreciate any info how to adjust your recipes accordingly.
I have been going over and over why my attempts at Floyd's Italian and Ciabata Breads came out too dense and cakelike and the only conclusion I think would be an altitude factor.
I like to cook and bake Italian breads,pastries, and regional dishes from our family's
Albanese heritage. I hope to share some of these in the near future.
Next attempt Zaatar Flatbread!
I have seen this on several sites so it must be right but I don't understand why you would increase flour and water. Why not just water? I found that my dough was much dryer at 4500 feet. They baked up OK but not as good as at sea level. I decreased my yeast and wet my hands a ton while mixing and doing stretches and folds when I noticed that the dough was much stiffer. Also noticed much faster rising time even with decreased yeast. I will probably rise in a cooler back bedroom since I now have a wood stove going. I'm using the Forkish Saturday bread recipe which has off times on rising anyway. I may even add some of my starter just for the heck of it to add more flavor. Also am working with an oz scale instead of grams up here. Lots of challenges. I'm too chicken to try a starter only recipe.
Bruck....Bruck...buck, buck, buck.....