First post


This is my first post ever! I am a graduate student who has a love for bread. I grew up in Hong Kong, and my favorite food as a child included 豬仔包 and 雞尾包 ("little pig roll" and cocktail bun). I have since immigrated to the US. As I grew older, my tastes have changed. I discovered the sourdough from Panera. Later, I would become acquainted with the wonderful spice that is cinnamon, which introduced me to cinnamon swirl and cinnamon raisin breads. When I visited the New York Chinatown, I became a fanatic for the raisin buns. Then, more recently, I fell in love with challah. I also enjoy eating the bread from my local food co-op, which gets its bread from Springmill Bread.

My baking adventures truly began when I wanted raisin buns but they were nowhere to be found within driving distance in the US. I began baking raisin bread as an undergrad, on occassion venturing into the naan. My dad is a wonderful chef, and sometimes, we would make "man tou" or "veggie buns" at home (I'm lacto-ovo vegetarian). Lately, I have been trying to perfect the challah. I think I'm doing okay. Today, I am baking my first loaf of sourdough... which explains why I have been browsing this site obsessively. Hopefully all turns out well!

Some pictures of my previous baking adventures:

First loaf - Raisin bread  no knead cinnamon raisin

Profile picture for user dmsnyder

Hi, lammie10.

Welcome to TFL!

You will find lots of messages about challah by searching this site. If you want more recipes, "A Blessing of Bread" by Maggie Glezer has, literally, dozens of recipes for challah from various countries.
