From whom can I order quality organic bread flour?


I would like to buy organic bread flour but cannot find any (I have found organic AP flour only).  I was thinking I could order it for delivery, but I'm not sure how to judge quality flour.  Do any of you order organic bread flour? If so, which manufacturers do you recommend?  Would it be better to order organically grown wheat berries and grind them myself?



Hi, Allison.

Giusto's sells organic, high-gluten flour. It's expensive to order direct, especially when you add in shipping costs.

This is very good stuff. I used to be able to buy it in bulk from Whole Foods Mkt, but they stopped ordering it. I may special order it through WFM in 25# bags. They will sell it at 10% off, and I don't pay for shipping.

You might look into special ordering through a local grocery that carries the brand you want or through a bakery that uses it, if you can find one.

Good luck in your quest!


I order Giusto's through a natral food store in Washington and drive down to pick it up from Penticton, BC.  I first made many calls trying to find out how to get a hold of Giusto's Old Mill up here.  It is not carried in Canada it turns out.  In the states not all suppliers carry it.  If your natural foods store supplier didn't carry the item, then you were hosed.  I ended up driving to the San Francisco Bay Area and bringing back 100 lbs.  I have gotten Bakers Choice and the Ultimate Performance high gluten flours from the natgural foods market in Tonasket.  Most recently I had the local natural foods store order me their largest bag of the organic white that they sell in 2Kg packages.  Interestingly the price for the Canadian flour here was roughtly 2 times the price of the Giustos.  It'll have to be awfully good to stop me from going back to Giustos.

Here's a link for a listing of Giustos prouducts.  If there's something that you want, call a natural foods store and ask if they can order it for you.

And then I wonder about KA.  So many people use it.  My Brother in Law says he buys it at WallMart for $2.50/5lb.  That's a good price if it's any good flour.

It's a rambling night.


Hi, Paul.

KAF is very good flour, and it's a great company to deal with - employee owned, very responsive to phone inquiries, too. I wish software companies had the kind of accessible phone tech. assistance KAF does!

MY WFM carries Giusto's products in bulk. This is nice, especially for whole grain flours that I don't use in huge quantities and that have a short shelf life. But they stopped stocking two of the flours I use regularly - whole rye and Ultimate Performance (high-gluten white). So, I'll either order from KAF or, maybe direct from Giusto's for these types of flours.

I'm making a rye using KAF King Lancelot, their high-gluten white flour, for the first time today. We'll see how it works for me.


I have not used Giusto's flour, at least not yet, but I have purchased from Country Creations, some Great, certified organic, stone ground whole wheat flour with wonderfull flavor. I get nice high rising loaves with it, and I don't use any high Gluten additive to make this happen. I just received my second order a couple of days ago. It was promptly delivered, as was the first order, and the cost of flour and shipping are very reasonable. I should mention it is ground to your specs. Happy hunting, Ray