Has anyone ever used

Profile picture for user Soundman

... the Messerschmidt Grain Mill attachment for KitchenAid mixers?

pleasanthillgrain.com has a Family Grain Mill (FMG) which allows for direct attachment to KitchenAid mixers. The advert offers "better" than KA's own grain mill attachment. And they're touting infinite gradations and finer results.

I was wondering if anyone has used one of these?



This is the impact mill I own and I love it.  I was looking at the website and saw the new KA direct attachment and since I have the big Professional 600 stand mixer I am considering this so I only have one large appliance for many uses.  I love my KA and I love my Family Grain Mill which grinds my flour plenty fine enough.  I came close to buying the grain mill attachment for my KA but did not since I have the Family Grain Mill.

Melody in Santa Fe

Thanks, Melody!

I decided to go ahead and get the FGM attachment. I waffled a bit, 'cause I already have KA's Grain Mill attachment. I like it, but the flour comes out shall we say 'rustic'. I'm with you on not wanting a zillion different motor-driven appliances lying around my kitchen and pantry.

I'm glad to hear you love it, it's good to know I didn't shell out for a dud, and I'm looking forward to using it, soon!
