I'm excited by the 15" x 20" baking stone at fantes.com, it is slightly larger than mine and I've broken this one in half, so it's time to replace. However my peel is not nearly as wide as my stone already. I like to bake baguettes that are as long as the stone is wide and I've resorted to widening my peel with cardboard to accomodate the additonal width of the stone relative to the peel. That works OK, but the packing tape that secures the cardboard tends to curl with the heat and it's all kind of ooky. Anybody have any tips on finding a 20" wide peel? I'm thinking of maybe creating something with sheet metal... Thanks,
Here's a link for a wooden peel that meets your criteria; I couldn't find a metal peel that size anywhere in the world.
You might want to try a rimless cookie sheet (Faberware makes one so I suspect someone else does too)
There's an 18 inch metal peel on this page:
With this one you'd at least have only about an inch of your bread extending over the edges so you should be able to control it well enough.
P.S. If I could get my baguettes shaped that perfectly I'd make them more often.
Nice job ...
I have a wooden peel, but most of the time I just use my cookie sheets turned upside down because they are wide enough for the baguettes.
Thanks everyone for the great links and ideas.
I would be interested in your experience with the 15 x 20 baking stone from fantes.com
Two weeks ago I started baking on the identical stone from fantes. Prior to that I used heavy duty baking sheets.
Any tips / feedback on the use of the stone? Such as...
> best placement in the oven (I have mine on the 2nd level from the bottom though they recommend the lowest rung)
> how long do you preheat and to what temp?
> what's the max number of loaves it will take? (OK, I know shape and size matter, but humor me plz)
... and any other info you'd care to share.
Hi Tia,
I live in Canada and drive down to the states to pick up things that I order online. I wait until I have several things to justify the trip, so it will be awhile before I get down there again. I can give some insight into what I predict will be the answer to your questions, though. I've been baking with a stone for some time, but not with one quite this large.
>Through trial and error I use the very top shelf for the stone location. I want to create a hot steamy cavern for baking.
>I preheat for 45 minutes to 1 hour at 550F, then bake at 485F. I remove the steam generator (pan of hot rocks) after the first 10 minutes of baking.
>I bake almost exclusively baguettes. I bake 3 at a time, arranged so the baguettes are as long as possible, and with as much room between them as possible so the inside sides bake thoroughly.
One caveat: If the loaf is going to be too tall, like a larger boule, I move the stone down a notch to make a little more room at the top of the oven for it to rise. Again, trial and error.
I'm excited that this stone has a back lip. I think that will help in placing the baguettes. Sometimes I overshoot or undershoot and end up with a baguette falling off the back of my current stone, or being too close to the edge. When one is too close to the edge the outside side gets considerably darker than the rest of the bake. Likewise I'd shoot to keep my baguettes about an inch in from the edges so I'd probably shoot for 18", the ends get too dark if they're too close to the edge. But I really like the length, so I'll probably push that dimension as far as I can. As exact a placement on the stone as you can is important when you're trying to get an even bake and the stone is pretty full of bread.
That's about all that I can think of right now. I'm interested in any comments you have about the stone, since you own one and all.
I walked into our local Italian store for the first time the other day and was surprised to find every size of peel you could ask for, with many different lengths of handles. It's not even a particularly large store. Who knows how common that is, but it might be worth making some inquiries.