Bennet Valley Potato, Cheddar and Chives Torpedoes


My sourdough starter had been doing quite fine the past few days,as I had been paying closer attention to refreshing it lately. It was so lively yesterday morning I decided to make one of the recipes in Reinhart's BBA. 

I was driving like a mad-man to get home from office (as best a mad-man Singapore's traffic laws would allow) anticipating my bread-baking adventure. I had to make a quick stop-over at the grocery as I had wanted to get some sharp cheddar cheese.

My wife was wondering why I had gone into the kitchen and started to mise en place in my shirt and tie. I brought out my starter from the fridge to take off the chill before I changed clothes. After which, I dove into my baking.  And here is the result...

I was so pleased with the results, I nearly ate half as soon as they cooled. I brought one to the office today and  was quickly consumed by my team with a few gulps of coffee. Seeing how my staff enjoyed it was even far better than great taste of the bread itself.

Very satisfying indeed!

Those loaves look very nice and cheesy, and I'm sure the chives add a nice hint of onion flavor. I assume the potato is just for lightness.


The recipe calls for 8 oz of potato as compared to 18 oz of flour. And yes, it does lend to a lightness of the dough.

It was a very good balance between the cheese flavour and the onion scent from the chives. I can imagine how much better it would have come out if I used a wood-fired oven like they use in Bennet Valley. Alas, with our tiny doll-house sized condos here, a wood-fired oven would be a luxury (and a nightmare to the fire brigade!).


Bennett Valley is in my town of Santa Rosa. They make great breads, but I prefer my own for obvious reasons.


where the bakery got its start (though they are no longer within "spittin distance"). We love their breads :o) But I prefer to bake my own, too.