David's Pain de Campagne


I made David's famous Pain de Campagne AKA San Jaoquin Sourdough today. I followed his excellent instructions exactly making one large batard. I baked the loaf on a stone in the center of the oven which proofed to be the wrong rung for my on-the-small-side wall oven as the loaf got a little too brown.

pain de campagne

The crumb is nice and open, and the flavor has a lot of sour and complexity to it. I'm not sure why I only have a hint of an "ear" but perhaps I didn't get enough surface tension when I was shaping.

pain de campagne

Thanks, David, for this and all the other wonderful variations on the theme!


It turned out great!....perfect crumb and I always like mine a little charred on the crust. Looks like it came out of a wood fired oven even if it didn't.

Thanks, Betty. The bread was really delicious. Something about that little bit of rye made it totally special. I'm making another loaf tomorrow.
