need formula


Could someone please give me a really good sourdough pizza dough recipe?  I think Sylvia talked about keeping dough balls in the freezer.  That would be so great.  I would also like one using the sd discard.  I've heard some of you mention that, but I never saw a recipe posted. 


I use this, adapted to SD, for pizza with great success. If you're interested in NY thin crust, this ain't it. But if you're looking for a wonderful crust that can even stand on its own, lemme know and I'll get you the formula.

Pittsburgh, PA

Here ya go:

Adapted from Reinhart, BBA @ pp. 106, 136.

8oz. SD starter - 100% hydration
7.25 oz. flour (I use KA Unbleached bread flour)
8 oz. Water.
Mix well, let stand at room temp 3 - 4 hrs. Refrigerate overnight.

Poolish from above
13.5 oz. unbleached bread flour (I use KA)
1 - 2 tsp. salt
3/4 cup water at, or above, room temp. (PR says 6 Tblsp. to 3/4 C., but I just go for the max hydration.)

1/2 tsp - 1 tsp. instant yeast, if you wanna hurry things along.
1 tsp olive oil / C flour to tenderize dough for easier stretching.
1 tsp honey / C flour to sweeten/crisp dough.
Basil flakes to taste, just because.
Substitute 4.25 oz whole wheat for like amount of flour in dough.

Do an initial knead -- about 5 minutes -- to incorporate ingredients & get things started. Do 3 stretch & folds at about 20-min intervals. Bulk rise 2 - 3 hrs depending on strenght of SD starter and/or yeast. Note this is chiabatta -- it'll be a pretty wet, sticky dough.

Flour the counter a bit & form into balls, about 8 or 9 oz. per crust. Try not to add too much more flour, but get as much surface tension as you can on the balls. Dust each with flour and set to rise. I let mine rise in a covered Tupperware storage bin. I do not oil the dough surface for this rise like PR suggests. Let the balls rise 2 - 3 hrs until about 1-1/2 size. Flour the counter, squash each ball into a puck and begin to stretch it from the center outwards to form the crusts. Once started, you should be able to drape the dough over the backs of your hands and let gravity stretch it for you.

I prebake my shells. If you want, you can put a cake pan with pie weights in it on the center of the crust for the pre-bake to keep bubbles from getting out of hand.

You can freeze the crust at this point, or rub with garlic & spray with olive oil, top and bake.

Pittsburgh, PA