I've been doing a lot of sourdough as of late using the KA Bread flour obtained from my local supermarket. I'm well pleased with the results, and the oven spring is great.
I had the opportunity, and in my haste purchased several bags of the KA Sir Galahad flour before I realized I could have gotten the KA Special. I understand that the KA blue bag bread flour in my retail store is the same as the Special, commercial grade flour.
Now I'm wondering if this lower protein flour (SG) is going to be noticeable in the great oven spring I've been getting up to this point? Perhaps I could substitute 20% of Hi Trumps to my flour to regain any loss in oven spring that might occur? I've never had the good fortune of using the Sir Galahd flour, so I'm unsure of the degree of difference I should expect to see in my breads. Thank you
Hello Dan,
Sorry if I mislead you on the source of supply, it was through a local wholesaler. I'm finding that such wording as "bread flour", "best for bread", etc. are somewhat of a misnomer, as not all of these flours produce with the same results. I'd rather go by protein percentage vs. descriptive title wording. Even then, I think there is a wide tolerance when it comes to the given percentage number. I maybe all wet on this idea, but that's the feeling I'm getting when trying the different flours.
I appreciate your comments, and will interpret them as two good flours that may show slight differences in finished products. I enjoy the KA flours for their repeatability, predictability and reliability, as well as the hi-gluten All Trumps which shows the same characteristics and is a new flour for me. Lest I forget to mention, I acquired your book last week and I'm having trouble putting it down. Great job, it's a great read!