how do I score a boule in a scallop pattern?


I have seen pictures of dough that was scored in a scallop pattern, but the photos only show one side of the loaf.  How is this scoring done? Do the lines fan out at angles?  Do they span the entire boule from bottom edge to bottom edge?

DrPr - glad you liked the scoring on my loaf. I had seen Jeff Hertzberg demostrate the scallop scoring in one of his Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day videos, here, and thought it would be fun to try.

It sounds like you've already figured it out, so just to confirm: I scored that boule in a fan pattern (think hand with fingers outstretched, as Mini Oven suggested). Here are two side views of the same boule:

the "palm"

Scoring: scallop (palm)

and the "outstretched fingers"

Scoring: scallop (fingers)

Hope this helps! Good luck with the scoring :)

- Jackie (Toxo Bread)

Thank you, Jackie! Your scoring inspired to try it myself. My first attempt didn't go too awry, but there is definitely room for improvement.  Thank you so  much for your information.

Are you seeing that from this photo? I couldn't tell if the lines meet on the other side, since we can only see the crest of the boule. Thank you for that information. So I guess I'd be creating a pattern like this:

\    \    |    /    /

   \   \  |  /   /

        \ |  /


instead of like this


        /   |    \

      /     |       \

     |      |        |

      \      |      /

          \  |  /

tell from that picture, in my opinion - see how the scores are coming back together at the top of the loaf? that would imply (to me) that they're not going all the way down the backside of that loaf.

OH- I didn't think about that. So the lines don't even continue all the way down the other side. I get it now. Thank you to both of you!