8th Street sourdough

Profile picture for user trailrunner

I had an abundance of discard yesterday so got creative and made some delicious treats. My discard is made up of "alto" and "sax" a white and a rye wild yeast starter. I add to it on a weekly basis. I regularly make the banana nut bread that I have posted before. I wanted to try a bread solely made from the discard. I used the 1-2-3 formula and 2% salt also added 2 scant tsp inst. yeast for good measure. The final dough was 500g starter discard- 1000g tap water-1500g GM bread flour- 30g Kosher salt. I dissolved the starter in the water and added the inst yeast. Mixed and autolysed for 30 min. Added the salt and did folds every 20 min x 4 times. Retarded overnight. where it quadrupled in the buckets. Removed this AM and shaped and let proof for about 1 1/2 hrs. While it was proofing I made the waffles that I had started yesterday evening from the discard. Recipe is on the KA site . It is a fantastic recipe and a great way to use discard. Photobucket Oven preheat to 500 and loaves were slashed and very heavily sprayed with water. I don't do any other steaming and have found the crust and oven spring are perfect. Bake 10 min and lower to 460 and bake an additional 25 min to 210 degrees. The loaves "sang" for 10 min on removal from the oven. The crust is very crisp and the crumb very tender and quite flavorful. Pleasantly sour and lots of grain flavor came through. I am well pleased with my experiment.

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I'm especially attracted to those yummy looking waffles. Looks like nothing is going to waste at the 8th Street Bakery!


Thank you Pamela and Blackbird. The waffles are great. We had them for brunch and then I will reheat these in the AM in the toaster. They are wonderful reheated that way with honey drizzled on and sprinkle w/ cinnamon-sugar.

The bread was used so far for curry tuna sandwiches. It has a fantastic flavor and crumb. You are right...I don't waste anything. :)

I am pleased with the outcome. It is so interesting to taste the evolution of the starter and the discard. The bread will never be the same. I find this really a great challenge and a taste treat. c

I am patterning my slashing after you David. I have single edged blades now and only use them 2x. Seems to really make a difference.

Have you tried the waffles again? I am curious what you do with your "discard". c

Everything looks lovely.  I agree, the sourdough/buttermilk waffles of the KAF site are amazing.  My only problem is that I think of them in the  morning, not the night before! 
