Malted Wheat Barley?


never even heard of it, much less know what or where to get it from.  It's an ingredient in the Ab in 5 book.

The authors of AB in five do list the errors in the book at their [url=][u]website[/u][/url].

Photojess, if the recipe you are using is at page 91 of your book, the following is the correction:

Page 91 (English Granary-Style Bread): In the 2nd paragraph of the introduction, the second sentence should finish with “… a multigrain loaf that includes malted wheat and barley malt powder.”

Thanks for posting this Lindy! I don't begrudge a bread book having errors, it is just too bad that all such books don't have a page like this one. I printed it out and inserted into my copy of the book.


went through and wrote the corrections on the appropriate pages in the book in case I lost the errata sheet.  It was really nice to have that--knitting books do that all the time, too. 

Almost everything I knitted had a flawed pattern in some respect! The last thing I tried was a Lily Chin blanket--something was seriously wrong there. I even wrote and complained and nada.


Ah, ha - another brewers question :-) Malted grain is grain that has been sprouted - and usually dried and milled. This is done in a "malt house". Malting breaks down the big sugar molecules; starch and lignen (wood), into something more suitable for a germinating seed. This makes the grain more fermentable for brewing and baking. It also adds complexity to the flavor.

Barley malt powder can be purchased at a brewing supply store for a bit less than $5 / lb. It goes by the name of powdered malt extract. All the kinds, I have seen, are made from barley. Best of luck.

I didn't have the book in front of me, so I should have written malted wheat flakes.  I'm not sure why I wrote Barley instead.

I thought I made all of the corrections in my book too, like as listed above, but I didn't change the non recipe ones I guess for that one page......

I am going to look for these tonight at the co-op.  The flakes that is.....

but the pkg didn't say there is difference?  I hope not too much.

It's in bulk packaging, so there is no manufacturer label on it.  I had never seen it in the section before, or had bypassed it.

Will this work?

I bought the wheat flakes tonight, althought it doesnt't say malted, I'm assuming it is, by the pictures online.  I don't have the malt powder either, so I still  can't make this recipe....I swear I need to check what I am doing better.....well, it wasn't a wasted trip to the co-op, as I got a bunch of stuff there, and will be back there again on Sat anyway.

I don't have any idea what they offer, and they do have a brewing section, so I think I should be able to find malt powder there.   I hope anyway.  I read online about the two types of malt powder.  I can't see where 1/4 cup would be needed of either of them, but I'll have to see what I can find.  The article I read said that non diastatic was easier to find.

I really want to make this bread.

Lindy, thanks for looking at the recipe too for me!