I'm from Belfast, I'm no pro baker by any stretch of the imagination, but my son and I love the fun that is baking, so I'm here to see what I can see and get inspired :)
Welcome! Baking with kids is so much fun, my kids love shaping their own little loaves - braiding challahs and making rolls. One son loves to mix shortening into flour for scones and biscuits. He gets to get messy and I get help in the kitchen, perfect!
Again, welcome I look forward to seeing what you two bake!
Welcome to TFL. Please tell us about baking in Belfast! What are your specialities?
Hi Pamela
Our speciality at the minute is making a mess :)
I'm just getting into it really, making regluar loaves and soda bread, stuff like that
It's great fun
Welcome! Baking with kids is so much fun, my kids love shaping their own little loaves - braiding challahs and making rolls. One son loves to mix shortening into flour for scones and biscuits. He gets to get messy and I get help in the kitchen, perfect!
Again, welcome I look forward to seeing what you two bake!