Mild Rey bread Attempt
Being a new member in this cool informative site, i would like to share my newest attempt to bake a Mild Rye loaf (50% AP). Pictures attached will do the talking. However, the crumb was gilatinous and rubbery, beacuse the dough was very hydrated. The end result, had a bland taste rubbery crumb, though airy and somewhat spongy. I'll reduce hydration next time.
I don't have any vital gluten, so i kneaded the dough in running water to get rid of some starch.
Iam learning as i go..
Your 50% Rye looks pretty good to me. Can you tell us where you found the covered bread pans? Interesting idea.
You say you kneaded the dough under running water to remove starch? I suggest you try skipping that and just knead normally. Also I wouldn't think you would need vital gluten if your AP is strong. I usually use a bread flour or a white flour with at least 12% protein for this mix and it rises fine.
I love ryes esp. baked in pans. Did you score after the bread was proofed? If so you might want to consider doing it next time as soon as you put the dough in the pans. I read somewhere (Leader, DiMuzio, Suas, ?) that ryes with a lot of rye flour in them have the tendency to deflate when scored so that why you do it as soon as you pan them.
They really look tasty. Give them another try with the suggestions Eric has left and I bet them come out more to your liking.
Its good to get some feedback. As for the Kneading under running water, i won't do it agin for this receipt. The extra gluten turned the crust glutinous and rubbery, but tastey. As for the covered pan, i used a loaf tin as a control test to see the outcome, which didn't have any effect on the oven spring (Instead of Humidifying the oven, and so that it cooks from the dough's own humidity - especially with a high hydrated dough). And yes pamela, i have scored them during shaping, and yes the rye flour was 55% or so. I agree with you Dan.
Next thing i'll try strong barley loaf. I'll need some gluten for this. BTW, i hate doing measurements and like to fool around with my receipt.
I'll try some tricks of mine, if i get some to work i'll post it soon! Its great to share baking with enthusiasts like yourselves.
Thanks for the tips.