Another San Joaquin Soudough

Profile picture for user dmsnyder

My "San Joaquin Soudough" formula grew out of explorations of the technique used by Anis Bouabsa for his prize-winning baguettes. I have discussed this in detail in earlier blog entries on TFL. This remains one of my favorite breads, but I'm always looking for ways to improve on it.

Last week, I made some straight dough baguettes that had a wonderful flavor. I used 90% Guisto's Baker's Choice and 10% KAF White Whole Wheat in that batch. I wondered how this flour mix would work in the SJ SD. I made this as before, but slightly drier than I usually do when adding whole wheat - 70% hydration.

This was a very nice bread, as usual. The flavor of the flour mix used was not a noticeable improvement over the AP/Rye or AP/Rye/WW mixes I've used before.

I plan to make another batch of baguettes with this flour mix tomorrow, with a few minor tweaks to the procedure. I'm eager to see if last week's flavor is reproducible.



hi David,  I do declare, IMVVVHO----in my very, very, very humble opinion---- that crumb photo is a marvel.   I'm learning. 

Thanks for posting.

If you have never baked a bread with a very open crumb, this bread is a good one to work on.  It is a high enough hydration to give you a reliable open crumb (assuming gentle handling) but not as challenging as Nury's Light Rye or a ciabatta to a baker not ready to tackle really slack doughs.


I almost picked up a sack of KA whole wheat white when I was at the market Sat. morning. Darn, now I wishing I had so I'll have to make a trip over there this morning. I did replenish my supply of Guisto's BC though, so I'm fixed up on that score.

Your loaves look terrific as usual! We've been living off loaves that I froze for the past few days and some SFSD that I made on Friday. But that stuff is mostly gone now, so I'd better get to work.


Hi, Pamela. I've been really pleased with the effect of a little WWW added to a basically white bread. It must add a lot of ash/flavor as well as boosting the protein content of the dough.

I want to try using it to make a whole wheat pan loaf I've made before with red WW (from BBA). I see that SteveB posted on this.
