I've recently found (for various health reasons) I need to switch to a low glycemic diet.
Breads 'are' on it, however, they now must be wholegrain, with as little finely ground flours as possible...argh!
Anyone have any recipes they'd care to share, or opinions on this?
Thanks--I really don't want to give up all my breads.
Sourdough is also lower glycemic than white sandwich-type loafs.
When anything calls for a liquid sweetener, be it malt syrup, honey, or whatnot, substitute agave nectar as it is very low glycemic.
For the white portion of your breads use the highest protein flour you can find, such as Sir Lancelot, or add some vital wheat gluten. Vital wheat gluten is almost pure protein. You can't make a loaf out of it, but it will help the gluten structure of whole grain loaves.
You might check out Peter Reinhart's "Whole Grain Breads" book. It's very good. I LOVE the whole wheat pizza dough.
Also, it's not really a matter of how finely milled it is, so long as the bran is included. I really like King Arthur Flour's white whole wheat. It has a good texture to it and makes a very tasty bread without that bitter flavor you get with some whole wheats.
Breadtopia.com has a good recipe for a whole-grain spelt sourdough which would probably be lower on the glycemic scale.
I believe sprouted grains are also lower glycemic.
High content of sourdough-processed rye in your bread
Addition of extra bran
Addition of nuts and seeds (they are rich in "good" fats, and they lower the overall GI of your bread.)
Cut thin slices of bread for your sandwiches and increase the amount of high-protein fillings and toppings. for example cheese, cottage cheese, tuna, ham, eggs, avocado etc. Enjoy with lots of veggies.
You could also experiment with Hi-Maize. King Arthur sells this stuff, and you can also buy it through Amazon.com and a couple of other places.
Barley is considered to be the best grain on the glycemic indexes I have seen.
I always put some in any bread I make. Even a small amount makes it taste and smell great. I like to use it in starters, poolishes...etc.... I believe it has a natural "sweetness" to which the yeast reacts in a very good way.
I most often make a mixed loaf of approx. 1/3 bread flour, whole wheat and barley- inc. what is in my starter. I find it to be a tastier and better addition to all my breads than using rye in the starter &/or for extra flavor.
Though I still love a good rye bread.
It behaves somewhat like rye flour at first, rather dense and sticky, but it ends up in a lighter fluffier dough. I'm not sure how much barley you could sub into a recipe. I generally have used about 1/3 as I said. Always tasty and smells great when baking.
I second the suggestion of KA's white whole wheat flour. I use it in many yeast breads, pancakes, quick breads, etc. You should be able to find it at your local grocery store.
about your health. good luck with hopefully a better outcome, and that you can maintain a nice healthy diet. It's not easy having to make so many big changes at once.