The BBA Challenge


Hi --

I'm embarking on the BBA Challenge with a couple dozen other bakers around the world. We're going to bake each of the recipes in The Bread Baker's Apprentice, from beginning to end, starting with the Anadama.

I think it'll be a great learning experience. Though I may be changing my tune at some point ...

You can learn more about the project at Pinch My Salt.

And you can follow along at Flour Girl.

Anybody care to join me?

Happy baking!

Flour Girl


I'm starting to feel better, but I'd have to do most of my baking later at night due to morning sickness *still* being a small issue. I'm still thinking about it. Since my blog is back up, though, I'll think a little harder and perhaps join you. Maybe not for all of them, though.


I thought I signed up for the BBA Challenge, but my name is not on the list of participants.  Hum.  Do we have to twitter?  I've never done it and don't know anything about it.  I've ordered the book, and can't wait to get started.  Maybe I'll try again.

Gaaarp, was that your Rosemary Olive Bread recipe I made today?  It was sooo good. 


Syb, if you sent Nicole (of Pinch My Salt) an e-mail, you'll make the list eventually.  She's been doing a good job of updating the list, but there have been so many responses, it takes a while sometimes.

Sorry to report it's not my recipe.  But I do want to try it.

Thanks, David.  And by thanks, I mean, wow! I thought I had starterd to figure this Twitter thing out, but after looking at that article, I realize I don't know nothin' from nothin'.


So glad you've signed on ... FWIW, I just signed up for Twitter a few days ago and now I'm hooked. It was like a foreign planet at first (I'm on Facebook ...) but now that I've got it figured out, I'm really enjoying it. I've found a great community of cooks and bakers.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the challenge. I think I'll get my cornmeal soaking tonight to make the Anadama tomorrow.

Happy baking!



I've made the Anadama bread from BBA before.  It's a great recipe.  I'll probably make it next weekend - we have seven loaves to eat from this weekend's baking craze!


This is going to be fun. I love the book, but all I've gotten to make from it so far is the sweet dough recipe for the cinnamon rolls. I actually added a little to it, too, and I think that this will be a chance to bake as outlined in the book.

I am a rank novice but you can count me in. I have to order the book but looking forward to the adventure.

OMG, would you believe it, I found it at the library.   I still intend to purchase it, or have someone do me the honor for my upcoming birthday, but now I don't have to wait for the mailman to rush it here before the challenge.

We're posting our efforts on Twitter, with the tag #BBA. Pinch My Salt is organizing.

But you're also welcome to post on my blog.

The more, the merrier!

Happy baking!

Flour Girl

I've been engaging in my own informal BBA Challenge - 14 down! 

Good luck!


Sounds like fun.  No time here since the business in going into its season.  Will try to find a group in the winter to do this.  Enjoy!

BUT, I do no have the book, and it is not available in my country, no shipping to my place is available, what can I do, I really wish to buy all peter Reinhart's books plus the cake bible for Rosy, any suggestions !!! :(((

for some reason, I was under the impression that this requires use of a blackberry? Please advise, as I would love to join.  Right now, I am making the campaigne (sp?) bread with cumin! :-)



is just a social-networking site, like Facebook. No special devices needed, other than a computer and an internet connection.

You can find out more at

Happy baking!

Flour Girl

I'd love to join in, but I don't yet have the book! It's on back-order for me, and not expected to get in for a while. Someone mentioned Amazon has a good price, though. Maybe I'll cancel my original order and go grab it there. Hmm... now I have to go look at my finances. LOL

The suggested completion date for the first recipe is two weeks away, so you should have plenty of time to get the book.

even if you start late, at let's say one recipe per week, this will take the better part of a year to go through. Starting a little late won't matter. There's no actual schedule, from what I understand so it's rather open ended anyway.

Work it at your own pace, I guess, depending on how much bread you make and can actually eat/give away before getting on to the next batch.


Now I've gone and looked at Amazon, and what do I find? The book's barely over $20, AND it qualifies for free shipping! I soooo shouldn't buy it... but it's so very, very tempting... Responsibility or indulgence? Evil, evil site! ROFL

Naaah.... enabling, maybe..... Just do what I did... I told my hubby these are the books I want for my birthday.... make up an occassion if you need to...>g<

Just think of all the breads you can make. And, if you are in a serious pinch, there's always the public library.


ivy, ny

My library doesn't carry ANY Peter Reinhart books. Not a single one. But maybe I'll try convincing my man it's a b-day present... a month-early b-day present... LOL

not even sure, however, please count me in for this bread baking bonanza!

I made the cumin sourdough clue, maybe all the rain we've had, but it is hard as tack! Good in taste, but... hard!  Would make a great hammer, I suppose? LOL



I've actually resisted to join tweeter because i doubt very much that I'd have the time to tweet all day long (but I did join word press and the learning curve is steep).  now that a couple of posters say they're hooked, I think I'll take a peek and see if I feel the same contagion.

as for BBA, i'll probably join the challenge later in the future when i'm convinced that my breads are decent.

I did buy the book 2 months ago.  It's a sacred item in my collection!

Happy BBA challenge to all.  Hope you keep us in the loop regarding your experiences!

I'm not a great fan of Twitter.  Much to do about nothing IMO.  I'm only there because it seems to be the strongest link for this challenge.  I may try focusing on Flicker as an information thread for this project.  Take a look at it and see if it better meets your own needs.  The Google link is also a possibility.