Hi Folks,
You guys have seen this many times over and I was hesitant to post it, but I really wanted to acknowledge the generous spirit of TRAILRUNNER and MARNI who were kind enough to give me the link on how to make a woven round challah. This was like a month ago and I finally got around to doing it last Good Friday. I was quite nervous at first, and the instructions given on the site were rather confusing but I managed to get it right on the second try. I'll have to do it soon again lest I forget the technique.
I followed the technique posted by Tamar Ansh on chabad dot org, but I took the recipe from triple w sugarlaws dot com for her braided bread recipe. I find that her recipe seems to have the right proportions because the dough just comes together beautifully. I've come across recipes where I had to over-knead or underknead but hers was the ideal mix.
So trailrunner (Caroline) and Marni, you did ask for photos, so here it is!
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I've been making the family challah for a couple of years now, but I've never tried a round. You've inspired me.
Just reading your post again ... and I'm having trouble finding the the link on how to make a woven round challah. I could kind of guess ... make a braid and smush it into a round ... but maybe there are refinements?
thanks for your comments. no, it's slightly different than making a straight braid. actually you start with a tic-tac-toe using 4 braids (about 12 inches long) and then you go over/under with 2-3 different rotations (depending on how much dough you have left).
i just checked that link again, made a mistake, my sincere apologies. let's try that again: triple w dot ou dot org slash shabat_shalom slash article slash woven dash round dash challah, then scroll all the way down where there are pictures of how she does it. i'll send you a private message pasting the link. i don't know how to do it on the blog section (it's not taking it for some reason).
i'll be back to you with a private message.
NOTE: Here is the link to the braiding instructions
The only way I can ever find it is to just type in Woven Round Challah click search and click on the site. It'll take right there! Im pretty ignorant when it comes to PC's but it works for me!
Thanks for the hints re: bread and links. I've heard of that "search" thing -- guess it was too late to be using the brain.
That challah looks beautiful! Did you enjoy it? I really like making that braid, but I find it uses a lot of dough, and I usually make a few smaller loaves rather than one big one. But still... I think I'll make one again this week. Thanks for sharing your pictures!
Here's the link: http://www.ou.org/shabbat_shalom/article/woven_round_challah/
Definitely enjoyed it. Glad you saw my post because you and Caroline were the ones who pointed me in the right direction. I didn't use the recipe from that link; I used a recipe for braided shallah from sugarlaws dot com, because her portions of dough and water were perfect. For this one woven challah, I used only 3 cups of bread flour!
When you next do one, why not do a video? Would you believe youtube has lots of videos on braided breads (3, 4 5 and 6 braids) but I never found one on round challah? You'd be the first!
I added a link to the round braid above but here it is also.
Thanks for this post and the link to how-to's in making round challah! This will be perfect for any holidays!
Thank you, manang! Coming from an expert like you, that's a real compliment.
I am far from being an expert!