Math. problem


I have just mixed up a batch of dough for the Swedish Tea Ring from The Great Scandinavian Baking Book by Beatrice Ojakangas. This is her no knead dough and gets to spend the night in the refrigerator. I made this once before and had a problem when it came to rolling the dough into a "20" to 24" square". I don't have a large enough area, so tomorrow I would like to make two rings. As I am mathematically challenged I can't figure out how large the squares should be, and I am hoping that some dear TFL math. whiz will help me out, please! The dough has cardamom and the Tea Ring looks so pretty with the cut slices turned to show the filling. Thanks for any help, A

Square root of (20 x 20)/2 = 14.14"

 of (24 x 24)/2 = 16.97" 

so, between 14" and 17" square for each piece.



WOW! Thank you so much, FP. I just knew it couldn't be 10"x12"! I should be able to fit that on my tiny counter, A

Did the original recipe state a 20" TO 24" square piece of dough

or 20" BY 24"?

If it's the first then you want to roll out two squares with sides between 14" and 17", if the second then you'll want to roll out two 14" x 17" 'squareish' pieces.

Either way 14 and 17 are the numbers :)
