I don’t like my KA Artisan. It only brings me headaches and frustrations. That’s why I’ve been using my Zojirushi to knead all the sandwich bread I’ve made so far. However, when it comes to kneading baguette dough, I have to turn to my KA since the much heavier dough may ruin my delicate ZO.
After enduring all the clanging and banging and witnessing the horror of the mixer walking on the counter and the silver ring coming off the neck, finally the dough was done.
Cleaning time. But I couldn’t get the bowl out of the base, no matter how hard I tried! Did this ever happen to any of you? What can I do (besides turning to hubby for some muscles) and how can I avoid this from happening again?
Thank you.
This happens to me all the time. I just keep banging the bowl hard on its upper right side until it dislodges--usually about 5 to 10 times. After a while you get very good at this movement and it almost takes on an art form.
for making me feel better. I almost regretted buying this model and wished I had bought the Professioanl one.
How old is that Artisan? Only reason I ask is that mine behaves pretty well and I've never had any issues. On the other hand, I've never had it above 2 when mixing dough.
Anyway, your answer is at the Kitchenaid [url=http://www.kitchenaidconversations.com/forums/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=6357][u]forum[/u][/url]
It's only about a year old and I've hardly used it.
I had it on 4 (only because PR's recipe calls for a medium speed) with the hook.
May be the speed was a factor that contributed to this nightmare. Thanks for the link.
If you read the owner's manual, Yippee, you'll see the warning it should never be operated above speed 2 when mixing dough.
Figure speed one as slow and two as medium. There is no "fast."
Hope the oil trick works for you.
Should have done my homework. Bad student. Need to reconnect with my mixer since I'll be relying heavily on it for artisan baking. Thanks again.
I wrap a towel or cover the handle with something thick to protect my poor old fist and give it a couple of bangs...make sure your dislodgeing by banging on the left side of the handle if it is pushed back towards the right side of the top of the machine and vise versa!
Thank you all.
I have an old KA Classic that I inherited from my mom. I used to have problems getting the bowl off, but now I just set the mixer with the refrigerator to its left and turn the bowl. the fridge stops the mixer from moving while I turn the bowl and the bowl comes off nicely.
As far as the walking across the counter, try placing a towel under the mixer. That seems to help.
There's this rubber shelf liner you can get almost anywhere these days (Target, Wallmart, Grocery Stores, Dollar Tree). It's an open meshwork of rubbery bumps. That stuff is wonderful to put under your KA to keep it from walking. Cut a piece that just fits under the base.
It's also great for gripping. Try using a piece to hold the bowl while you turn it to release it. I use it all the time for opening stubborn jar lids.
At the Dollar Tree, you can buy a whole roll for a dollar. It goes a long way.
for these suggestions.