bread-a-thon and breadvista

Profile picture for user Jw

Last saturday I started around 5 in the afternoon to bake, ended just after 11 that evening. First batch was (les) pain a la ancienne, three days old. Sunflower and pumpkin seed versions. One of them turned into 'his royal stickyness', don't know what that happened. 100% same conditions. A bit more flower in the folding helped. The first loafes were in the oven a bit too long, but still ok.

The second batch I made using "David's un-original sourdough after Susan from San Diego's Original Sourdough". Maybe not the best ovenrise, but I was happy with the progress and result. I used alu-foil to cover the loafs for the first third of the baking time. The loafs grew almost too large to fit on one tray in the oven, have to split up next time. Looking back, I noticed that my scoring wasn't too great, but I didn't have much time to focus on that during the whole session.

third: one loaf of sourdough, using the oregon trail description for San Francisco Sourdough bread. worked out fine, tasted just like landbrot from Austria. It is the sunflowercover bread, in the overview picture below, just before the zopf.
fourth: a lot of zopf! this time I used six strand braiding. Video's on youtube were very helpfull! I ended up with a total of 8 of them.

I was all done on sundaymorning and just put the bread out on the table before the visitors came. It was fun to do (make this much bread) and nice to give away at Easter. I will keep things simple for the next couple of weeks (maybe...). The last picture is more of a breadvista, at the end of the bread-a-thon. Now, mondayevening, all my bread is gone. Home with family and friends!

Happy baking!



i admire your energy!  they look "merveilleux"!

I admire professionals bakers more now.. but it was nice to be able to give so much away.

Actually, I also found out there is no relation between 'great taste' and the amout of work a bread took, especially for people who buy bread at a super market.


Wow you sure were busy and all of them looked so good!

I keep meaning to try the six strand technique one of these days.....  quite spectacular!


let me know when you start with that, I have some tips. Maybe start with a four strand first. I have seen eight strand bread, that looks really incredible.


Where did you get your recipe?  I have made 3 strand challah a few times so maybe I'm ready to graduate!  i will let you know when I'm ready to try it.  Thanks!
