Recipes on this site


So, there seem to be a bunch of recipes on the site (like in the Favorite Recipes sidebar), but I'm wondering how I can see all of them?  The links on the left go to but there doesn't seem to be a general index of recipes...   Just going to doesn't work and I don't see any links to get to a general recipes listing section.  Can anyone help me figure out where to go?  Also, how do I go about posting a recipe of my own if I have one?



There is no index of recipes, epchris.  You'll just need to browse around the blogs and forums. 

TFL is not really a recipe-dedicated site, such as or

If you want to share a recipe, just post about it in the appropriate forum.  If you are using a recipe from a book, be certain to give the author/baker credit.

The handbook has a bunch of recipes in it, though we need to expand it.  The favorite recipes box and the "Also on TFL" rail link to a number of the popular recipes and formulas.  But, no, there isn't a recipe index because so much of what we talk about is process and technique more than ingredients.

Hey Floydm and others...

I know everyone talks about technique and process more than recipes, and I'm all for that. :)  I think my post was just because I noticed there's a recipes path in the URLs for the site and was puzzled when I couldn't find some kind of index of the things available there, or how to write up my own.  I guess I'm kind of interested in how things get put under the /recipes section as well.

Floyd, thanks for all the work you do, I didn't want to seem like I was complaining.

Time to put my next loaf in the oven...


I too, have tried to search for recipes but ended up with many threads with the same key words.  Had to go through a sea of posts to get to the one I was looking for.  I understand this site is not dedicated to recipes but a bit organization would be extremely helpful for newbies like myself. 

Floyd works full time, has a wife and a couple of kids, and makes this site available out of his love of baking.  Free.  

It isn't a recipe site so I don't quite follow the suggestion that he should spend hours and hours away from his family, organizing recipes because someone doesn't want to spend their own time browsing through the site.  

My suggestion is that if anyone is looking for a specific recipe, just ask.  


I didn't know this site was run by one person.  If that's the case I apologize.  If there's anything I could pitch in to help I will be glad to do so.

Profile picture for user Floydm

In reply to by althetrainer

I do most of the technical stuff here though, as you can see, the folks in the community contribute most of the content these days.

If, once you get better acquainted with the site, you are still interested in helping out, send me a message.  The intent of the handbook is to have a better selected and organized part of the site.  Three or four folks have done work on it, but we all are busy people with other obligations.  Progress tends to happen in fits and starts whenever someone can carve out a few hours to work on it.

My solution, just bookmark those recipes I think I would like to try. That way I can always find them. 

Hope this helps. 

I discovered a nifty to keep something I am interested in besides bookmarking. I e-mailed the page to myself I kept it in a folderr till I was finished. I also printed one out from the e-mail and that works really good for me. No fuss. Thank you all.


I print the recipes I'm really interested in baking - there's a "printer-friendly version" button at the bottom of each original posting here. 

Click it, do a print preview, and send it off to your printer. Pop the page(s) into a folder, and you've got a nice hard copy to work from.

I have the same problem as you all - I remember a great recipe, technique or whatever I saw on TFL and cannot recall the topic, poster or time frame. I can find what I'm looking for 80% of the time with the search function, but it's often time consuming.

My bookmark list is immense, and, if I bookmarked every TFL post I might want to come back to, it would be (even more) unmanageable. And I'm pretty organized.

So, I'm trying something else. I've created a topic in my TFL blog for the sole purpose of keeping track of my favorite recipes. Since I can edit my blog entry, I can add material to it or re-organize it as needed.I will always be able to find it easily with a keyword search on "dmsnyder recipe index." I will keep the index offline as an .html document so I can cut and paste new material to the TFL entry periodically. 

Hmmm .... We'll see how it works.

BTW, since my blog is there for the reading by any member or visitor to TFL, if anyone else is looking for one of my favorite recipes, they can find it more easily too.

And any other TFL member who wants one place to keep track of his or her personal favorites, they could create their own blog entry with this kind of content.

Ohhhh .... I just thought of another FAQ I need to add to my recipe index! Gotta go.


The index I posted does not include all my favorites. I restricted it to breads with recpipes posted on TFL. I have other favorites from sites such as SusanFNP's that I may add later.


I was thinking that I should probably have confined my list to FreshLoaf recipes only. Or make an "offsite" list....

My list is far from complete either. I just put the ones that I had actually blogged about here on the Fresh Loaf.

(going to revise my recipe index....)
