cheese bread


This was my regular white bread recipe with asiago cheese added

to dough and grated cheddar on the top... qahtan



Wow! Way to inspire me. I've tried adding cheese to my loaves before but for some reason I never thought to use a white bread. Silly whole-wheat-head that I am!


One question: The cheddar on top. When did you add it? As blistered as it looks my guess is it was added after shaping/pre-proof but it is only a guess.


Thanks for giving me inspiration for what to make with the poolish I have waiting for me at home.

I made Hamelman's cheese bread with parmesan a couple of weeks ago: I don't recall his dough recipe exactly, but I believe it was basically a French bread. If I recall correctly, there were a couple of tablespoons of olive oil in it and a little less salt than normal since the cheese contributes a good amount of salt. I mixed about 2/3rds of the cheese into the dough. Right before baking I scored the loaves, spritzed them with water, and then sprinkled on the rest. The only other thing I did was keep the oven about 25 or 50 degrees cooler than usual so that the cheese wouldn't burn. It turned excellent.

 Looks scrumptious, the top crust is for the baker , right, ;-)))

 I didn't do any thing different to mine, I still put butter in it instead of oil,

 I sprinkled the grated cheddar on the top just before the loaf went in the oven.


Heya Floyd!


Thanks for your quick response. I agree about the salt. I've got some left over Parmesan and Romano cheese at home and enough cheddar to coat the top.


Thanks also for the lower baking temp advice. I likely would have gone ahead with the normal temperature for a French or Italian loaf and ended up with a charred top.


Your loaves look EXCELLENT as usual. I'm beholden as well to Demegrad for finding and linking to the shaping videos. These have helped tighten up my loaves both literally and figuratively. The tension of the gluten on the surface really helps.


Have I mentioned lately that I really love this site!  What a great user community!!!


Thanks again Floyd!

I am sure your cheese bread will come out fine, I always find it puffs a bit more than plain bread.

now you want some nice pickled onions to go with it. these are some home grown shallots pickled in balsamic vinegar and red wine. qahtan

I'm sure part of the thanks belongs to you.. Floyd has spent many an hour tweaking the site, contributing his knowledge and helping all of us. I'm sure he will say your patience is a virtue!