Here are a couple of pics of the quick little rye breads I'll be doing for Easter. It is an old Polish tradition here that we take food in a basket to the church on Saturday to have it blessed by the priest for Easter Sunday breakfast. These will fit nicely into the baskets. And yes, the church will smell like kielbasa when the blessings are done. Sometimes the smellls lingers in the church till Easter morning ;-)
I'll probably do about 8 or 10 of these for family/friends.
Related post on my blog can be found here
Those look pretty delicious, esp., as I been sweating it out over my little rye loaves all day.
Have you fashioned your butter lamb yet? I have fond memories of the beautiful basket my mother would fill for the blessing of the food.
Heck no! We buy the lamb. There is an awesome vendor here who hand makes them. I am going to buy it on Monday or Tuesday though. Then I'll post some pics. A girl who food blogs in Australia is dying to see one.
I did get my stash of Horseradish though
My Buffalo Food Blog
I was there mainly to snap some photos of the market on this day. Carrying a 20 lb camera bag does not go well with hauling groceries ;-)
Wow they look great! Must be very delicious too!
We'll cut into one Sunday afternoon. Rye so much better when it sits for a day.
how big would you say they are size wise? Maybe 4" across?
The dough portion was 10 oz each. I would say a nice 6 inches across and 3 1/2 to 4 in high. I didn't weigh the baked loaves. The crumb on these was nice and fine. I was able to slice them as thin as 1/4 inch.
I love rye. Are they made with a sourdough starter or regular yeast recipe?
No starter, just a nice quick basic recipe. Use the link in the original posts and it will take you to the related blog post. I do put in a teaspoon of vinegar. ANd they definitely do have a nicer taste when they are allowed to mellow overnite.
Here's a link to a little story on my food blog - there are more pics there too.
Butter Lambs
I love it. --Pamela
Beautiful ryes! I, too am looking forward to the tradition of blessing food on Saturday for Easter breakfast: pisanki (decorated eggs), bread, ham, sausage, butter lamb, easter babka, each piece, later meticulously divided between the guests at the breakfast table with blessings for sharing love and prosperity.
That carries out blessings for a long, long time!
Go in Peace,
(Why does that lamb have a flag stuck in his buttocks?)
Edited:( Flag Link)
(Another Flag Link)
In his buttocks - oh that is funny! The flag says Alleluis on the reverse - a declaration I guess. THese things reallt haven't changed much in 50 years. They were in a hurry at the stand.and I didn't notice it was blank - otherwise I would have had the girl reverse it.
Gosiam - thanks for the Swieconka link. If I et time over the weekend I will blo about the basket filling and the church service too.
Happy Easter to Everyone!
I think it says Alleluia...or it's supposed to.
Shalom..and a happy Easter to you.
Darn typos - yes should have typed Alleluia - should type late at nite ;-)
Anyway looks like I will be knocking out 8 of these on Friday.
Thanks for the flag pic links - I would have never thought to look for those.