Loaf filling ideas?


Hi --

I'm blogging about a wonderful peanut-butter-and-jelly-filled oatmeal-wheat bread over at Flour Girl.

It's a great loaf, but I'm wondering if some other fillings might be good, too ...

Any ideas, fellow bakers?

Check out the post at flourgrrrl.blogspot.com.



Flour Girl

Filled, as in folded or rolled up into the dough and baked or 

Filled, as in filling a finished baked loaf that's been hollowed out and stuffed with stuff or

Filled as in Sandwich?

sorry I didn't explain better ... You fill the dough before proofing. So, you make the dough, roll it out, slather it with something yummy, roll it up jelly-roll style and put it in pans to rise.

PB&J is great, but I was just trying to dream up other fillings.

Happy baking!

Flour Girl

Flour Girl

I'm thinking of doing a Moroccan-inspired bread based upon the flavors of a chicken dish I had a couple of nights ago. Rather than cinnamon-raisin bread it would be cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, and maybe golden raisins and/or diced up apricots.

a simple  but yummy combo would be butter and chocolate. apple custard. butter brown sugar golden syrup or maple for a butterscotchy flavour whatever you're in the mood for i guess.

Hi there flourgirl,

Went to your blog and read your brief profile (left hand margin).  We have something in common.  Right now I'm a ghostwriter (and translator) and just developed a love for bread baking and general cooking (I couldn't bear to stay 10 minutes in the kitchen when I was younger).  So now I have to divide my time between my computer and my oven.  You write very well, in an engaging and entertaining style.  Keep it up.

As for loaf-filling ideas:  how about purple yam?  we call it "ube" in my country, but we fill our rolls and baked pastries with purple yam.  asian stores sell it in jars.  my educated guess is that it is an asian sweet potato.

there's also cream cheese and walnuts.

and cheese and pimiento mixed together.

to ques2008, for reading Flour Girl. Should be quite an adventure. What country are you in?


Thanks for following along, 


Flour Girl

I live in Canada (Montreal) now, and been here 20 years.  I was born and raised in the Philippines - where the joy of eating is sacred!

Good luck with your filling (by the way, flour-girl, pimiento is roasted red pepper).  We used to make "cheese pimiento" back in Manila which we would put in sandwiches as a "snack to go."  The cheese had to be grated fresh though, and then also mixed with butter.

A great book with all kinds of filling ideas is a book by Margaux Sky called Beautiful Breads & Fabulous Fillings.  It is from Sam's Club and uses their products.  Terry R