Well I'm just getting in practice...the fire needed to be hotter today..Im still very much in the learning stages! At least I know how to build a fire! That took practice..now I can make a fire with only a few minutes of the smoke you get when first lighting up the logs and let me tell you...you can get a lot if you don't do it right! The first time my daughter and I lit it up...the fire department drove by in our neighborhood!! I guess they saw what it was and didn't bother us. A neighbor probably called!! We had such a laugh! Im practiceing doing multiple bakes! First pizza. I tried a new crust recipe from PR American Pie Book. New York Style Crust..it's thicker and supports heavier toppings...I like the Neo-Neapolitan the best! I made JH Vermont sourdough this time putting one into the WF Oven...I decided to put the other two loaves in my regular oven because I suspected the WF Oven was not quite hot enough! My thermo. is broke so I had nothing to register the oven temperature except my hand! I want one of those lazer thermos! Last but not least a small roast went in and my husband can take it out when he gets home from work!
Nice Fire! Nearly No Smoke!!
I made 5 Pizzas!
J.H. Vermont Sourdough was next as the ovens temp. started to cool! Started the Levain at 11PM last nite and finished loaves at 9PM tonite! I retarded in frig. to time with WFOven temperature drop... I was close! Oven could have been a little hotter...bread took about 30 min. to bake I gave it a couple of spritz of steam!
J.H.Vermont Sourdough loaves that were baked inside...I placed all 3 loaves in oblong plastic tubs for the frig. with spice jars rolled in parchment to support them ; / ... It was all I could think of as I don't have much room in my refrigerator!
Wood Fired loaf on the Left. Oven loaves on the Right.
Last but not least...a small Bar-B-Q Roast still in the oven for a long slow cook. The oven will hold heat all night and into the morning!
- SylviaH's Blog
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Keep the home fires burning!
That required some serious planning! Everything came out great. You had the original version of a slow cooker at the end!
I got to get me one of those ovens! --Pamela
Sylvia, could you add a picture of the whole oven looks like? It must taste very good, just coming out of the oven.
I have only heard that the type of wood you use, influences the taste of the products. But maybe you have to have some serious smoke as well then.
Thank you Jw, My oven was a surprise gift from my daughter! It was delivered from FornoBravo and is one their ovens! A hugh crain came and lifted it over the house/fence...this was done to avoid all the paperwork with the Homeowners Association, construction tearing down fence ect, ect! It could only make it to the side yard! Then several men had to manually move it on boards, dollies and then when it reached the back yard patio it had to be assembled on the iron frame...It weighs somewhere in the neighborhood of 1200 lbs. So heres where it sits until we move it farther into the back yard. It sits close facing the
kitchen. This is nice but would be better suited farther away from the back kitchen door....the side yards are very large with several feet of slopes going up one side of the house and down on the other...the problem is how to get it moved without damageing it...I would like to have it finished with a nice closed bottom like stone with an opening for wood storage...I burn Oak Wood...it is the longest burning wood, great flavor and smokes the least...highly recommended around here for pizza ovens...avocado or fruit woods are also highly recommended for wood fired ovens...our hill sides are full of avocado groves...we have a hugh wood supplier only a few miles away. Meats pick up a wonderful flavor from the smoke...which you don't get with the bread because you clean out the coals and just use the heat retained in the oven. You can see these ovens on http://www.fornobravo.com
The oven has a nice large interior.
Sylvia in San Diego,CA
Sylvia is that one of those Forno Bravo ovens? I want one so badly!!! Edit: I was so enamored with the picture I didn't read the post. Lucky you. I bet it is wonderful. Can you cook bread in it too?
Hi Pamela, I have a very loving Daughter! I love my Forno Bravo oven. You can cook, bake, grill in it...anything and more that you can cook in your oven or stove top can be made in an outdoor oven! One of the loaves of bread and pizza pictured above was made in the oven...also there are some of Norm's onion rolls that I made in the oven posted early on my blog photos.
But she doesn't love me THAT much. --Pamela
Thank you, Mini, Marni and Pamela...It was a fun day!