birthday card..

Profile picture for user Jw

Well, kind of. This is part of the 'almost-finished' card I will mail out to friends and family. It will make it easier for them to choose the bread I get to make, for my upcoming birthday. Maybe a usefull suggestion to anybody out there or you just might like the collage (made with Picasa 3, create photo collage). Happy baking. Cheers, Jw.

And, it looks beautiful. if these are going to be electronic cards, send me a PM because I want to get one too.


I think she means "Private Message" :)


By the way, I have found this website called Urban Dictionary incredibly useful when running across odd internet-speak and slang terms that I dont recognize.  (And there  have at times where I've been very very glad not to have asked what a term I read meant too haha)

The collage is the coolest feature of Picissa 3.

   What if your friends want the assortment and can't just " pick one"? ;)


I'm confused though. Why are they going to pick what you get to make for YOUR birthday?


I like baking bread for myself, but more then that: sharing it with others. So if they are happy, I'm happy. I guess a normal birthday is where others give you presents. Somehow I feel like I already have all of the (material) presents one can get...

Cheers, Jw.




I like it. Glad you are so fortunate. You sound like a wonderful friend to have. Happy Birthday!


to see this and tell me what it is about. (There is no CC available). But, in the meantime, Happy Birthday, I love your idea.  I usually tell people to go to Oxfam or MercyCorps or their fav. charity and put something in for me as my b.d. present, so I would like to add your idea as an addition.  Thanks for sharing! :-)

ivy, ny