Garlic dinner rolls


Made these dinner rolls using the Hokkaido milky loaf recipe I blogged about here. The dough was, of course, made minus the sugar. Rolls were baked for 20 mins at 400F and then brushed with melted garlic butter and sprinkled with parmesan cheese. Both crust and crumb are very soft and moist when eaten warm. 



Parmigiano Reggiano?

What is the green ingredient?

Thanks Lindy,

Yes thats Parmigiano Reggiano. The green stuff is garlic. It had been sitting in warm butter as the rolls baked and somehow turned color!

Hi Hoek59,

 The garlic butter recipe is very simple. Melt between 4 tblsps butter. Crush 4 garlic cloves or more if u like. Add the crushed garlic to the melted butter and let the garlic flavor the butter until the rolls are done.