Stale Pain au Levain


I came across this article in SF Weekly for using stale Pain au Levain.



Yummy sounding recipe!  It would have come in very handy for using up a sub par loaf that I had baked last week.  My mom has both of those old Marcella Hazan books.....  I'm thinking that I should borrow them!


I made it last night with a loaf of Pain au Levain that wasn't very good to begin with and had deteriorated significantly since then! The recipe didn't specify what kind of potatoes to use, so I used the red skinned variety. Today I looked in one of Lydia Bastianovich's books and saw that she used russets. I think russets are a better choice. She also puts in some red pepper flakes. I like that idea too. In any event, it is a great 'end' for any stale sourdough bread.
