Hi everyone,
I signed up 3 minutes ago. I used to hate cooking and baking and being in the kitchen more than 3 minutes. I don't know what happened, but all of a sudden I'm into bread and all things bread. The site looks friendly and comprehensive in scope. I like the fact that Peter Reinhart's book is featured (Bread Baker's Apprentice) because I bought his book last week and devouring it.
I've baked bread about 6 times now and enjoying every minute of it. Something about kneading dough that's therapeutic...
Welcome to a very nice place dealing with all things bread.
Wander around the cyber-halls and crannies; there's certainly plenty to read and enjoy.
Be sure to visit the blogs....loads of great info there.
I shall certainly weave my way around (or should I say knead my way around).
Thanks for taking the time to welcome me!
I've been here for a few months now and have learned a LOT. Actually, I UNlearned a lot and can now make several decent kinds of bread.
Warm bread,life is good!
Thank you for your comments. Like you, I'm looking forward to learning a lot. The images on this site are just gorgeous. Makes you want to stay in the kitchen all day!