I got to meet Peter today at a book signing at Omnivore Books in San Francisco. The place was packed--standing room only, people taking notes, pictures, asking questions, and somewhat in awe of the master. Peter talked a fair amount about his upcoming book, Artisan Breads Fast, i.e., how his new book further refined and simplified techniques (e.g., delayed fermentation) from BBA and WGB. He noted that artisan bread wasn't "fast" in the sense of "quick" but in new techniques that require less labor from the home baker and, at the same time, allow great flexibility in timing, e.g., how one batch of dough yielding several loaves could be held and baked over the course of four days. I can say from first hand experience that Artisan Breads Fast is really cutting edge technology.
Hi Pamela,
Wow, that sounds like such a wonderful way to spend the day yesterday! thanks for sharing!
I couldn't believe my luck yesterday. I'd never even heard of him until shortly after this last Christmas when I bought and read a three of his books. And, then literally within days of reading those books, I became a tester. So the really funny thing is that I've never made any of those recipes yet. Never made a poolish, never made a biga, never made a soaker, etc. The new book doesn't use those methods.
Pamela, what a nice picture of you and Peter together :-)
Please tell, what's with the half dozen eggs?
I think they were giving away 1/2 dozen eggs if you purchased a certain dollar amount. I was so thrilled to meet Peter I hardly remember anything!
your taking the time to share experiences..photos and comments! Nice to be able to feel like we were there too!