cake yeast

Profile picture for user benjamin

hey guys,


I'm just looking for some clarification, what is 'cake yeast'?





 If you have a bake house near you, or even the bakery in a super market you may be able to buy fresh yeast by weight,

 I can get  1/2 pound fresh yeast from Buns Masters, in Ontario, for less than $4, which is a far cheaper way than buying those little cubes.

A friend in UK can get a lump of fresh yeast from the local super market for free.  I use fresh yeast often it gives a better flavour. qahtan

I get the fresh (cake) yeast from the bakery section of the supermarket I shop.  I call it baker's yeast and the staff is very willing (if not amused) at my persistent showing up to buy more.  Here in Canada, British Columbia, all Superstore's bakeries will gladly sell you a pound-block of yeast for very little (I pay approximately C$1.70 for the entire block).

Hope this helps.


I have a huge yeast brick that my mom bought for me at a bakery...It easily broke off into chunks that I individually froze...I do not know how to use it?  Can anyone tell me the weight of cake yeast that is equivalent to 1 package of dry yeast?  I would greatly appreciate it..
