Megapretzels, sunflowerbread and carrot-almond bread

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Megapretzels, sunflowerbread and carrot-almond bread

Last time I made pretzels, I received a request for megapretzels. So I made twice the batch of dough this time. But once I was done shaping for the first batch (normal size pretzels), the dough of the second batch became too hard to handle. The result is in the picture (upper left). Taste is still fine, form goes nowhere. The normal size ones turned out fine. You can see how I cut them in half to include e.g. cheese (Edam or Gouda, after all I am from Holland...!)

The sunflowerbread is from a slowrising dough, no mix, 100% wholewheat. Now I know I should put in 1/3 of standard flour and rise no longer then 8-12 hours in the fridge. This could become my new 'no brain bread' (meaning just standard, nothing fancy). Shaping and form is not up to my standard..

The last bread certainly was not boring. I found the recipe in a small booklet "Das kleine Brotbuch" (the small breadbook), which I received some 10 years ago. It mentions a carrot-almond bread, I sticked to the recipe. The taste is pretty strong, this is almost cake-like. It just got out of the oven, so I don't have a real opinion about it yet. BTW the introduction of the booklet reads: "if you read this booklet carefully, it will be easy for you to become a succesful "Baeckerin" (lady baker)". The smell is incredible. Recipe on request!

Happy baking!




Would love the recipe!

here you go!

What you need:
20 grams (0.7 oz) yeast
0.1 liter (.4 cup) lukewarm water
400 grams (14.1 oz) wheatflour
100 grams (3.5 oz) flour
3 tablespoons Weizenvollkornflocken (wheatflour pieces you find in muesli)
100 grams crunched almonds
10 gr (0.35 oz) salt
3 tablespoons honey
100 gr butter - melted
1 egg
300 grams (10.6 oz) carrotts (gerieben?- cut in small pieces)
half a lemon - only the liquid part
150 gr sultanas (raison?)
40 gr (1.4 oz) almonds pieces

In the recipe it reads:
start the yeast with some water, put the honey and the salt in the rest of the water.
Put all ingredients together. Knead well. Let is rest and rise.
Then knead again and put in it a form (with grease inside and the almond pieces).
Put sauer cream on top, before you put it in a pre-heated oven at 220 celsius (428 F).

The recipe does not mention rise/proofing times, does not mention a second kneading or the time in the oven.
I put it in the oven with light on. After one hour it double in size. Then I put it in the oven after a 10 minute kneading.
Also, I started the oven at 240, after I put in the bread I took the temp down to 220. After 20 minutes I went down to 200, since I don't expect any more rise then.
I also hope that starting at a higher temp. gets me better crust, don't know if that is true.

I would change for a next time:
- go slow on the yeast, maybe take less.
- take a second rise (proofing?) for a least an hour, or several hours in a colder environment
- Baking time is al least 40 minutes. 10 minutes before I take the bread out of the baking for.

let me know if this works out. Today the breads tastes better, it was a bit wet inside yesterday.


 and two pictures of the mix (without the water) and before the first rise:


I am gonna try it this week, thanks again.