Peter Reinhart in Portland, OR..

I was just on Peter's tester site and he will be in Portland, OR on Saturday February 28th at Tastebuds Cafe at 11 AM. He's checking out their Montreal bagels and some pizza. Rats!! I'm going home to Connecticut for the weekend to surprise my Aunt on her 80th birthday. Well, not really rats, I wouldn't miss her birthday for the world. You TFLers in Portland, say Hi for me!


The site says Tastebuds Cafe, but he didn't have the address. I tried looking it up, but I think it must be Tastebuds Pizza, 3220 SE Milwaukie Ave. I'm sure someone more familiar with Portland will know..Floyd???

Profile picture for user Floydm


I have a rollerskating birthday party for my son just down the road from there at the same time, but I'll try to stop by for a little bit.

I was catching up on reading the Oregonian this morning and Friday's A&E section had a write up about Tastebuds wood-fired bagels. The review used adjectives like bliss and devine. If any TFLers go, let us have your review....
